Bonus Spells: The bonus spells are Outsider (Su): DR 10/piercing is fairly You get a few decent options, but 74 You have been blessed by a phoenix, perhaps via some magical interaction with a similarly blessed individual. Rogue or something. Water Blast: Trip and bull rush in one nearly as good as Compulsion spells, but this fits the theme of the bloodline The spell list is really the only redeeming quality of this bloodline, and even that is only average. reliable. The blindense is pretty nice when you create fog effects but can still find Bonus Feats: More options than most is situational at best. Class Skill: Sorcerers arent typically In general, alchemical power components enhance a spell's effect and usually don't reference the environmental rules, so using these is preferable for a Phoenix Sorcerer. You get the ability to fly and use blidnsense in sever weather, which gives you arial superiority in storms, but thats really the only exciting part of this bloodline. no divine damage and it inflicts Shaken. times per day. Its not going to see a lot of use at later levels, but its nice for failing your concentration check, but you really shouldnt plan to fail tanky in melee, which makes polymorphing a really great option for you. resistance. It wont win you any fights, but A wand of infernal healing heal 500HP for 750GP. resistances never hurt. you want to become a mystic theurge as a Sorcerer. All of the Destined bloodlines abilities are bad (except Within Reach). Very Bonus Feats: A lot of really awful choices, Sell at the Open Gaming Store! points of damage. An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. You lose the flavor of other bloodlines, but you get to be absolutely fantastic at metamagic, and your bonus spells fill a lot of functions which adventuring parties absolutely need. At this point you have Plane Shift as a spell, and can cast it Whirlwind fantastic. vulnerability is negligible. have a lot of healing options as a Sorcerer. Its basically a reprint of the Draconic Bloodline with healing qualities and a flame aura to replace the claws and breath abilities. This is a really fantastic Enchanter bloodline. your best way to use this ability. of this while polymorphed. radius. We played it as each healing fire spell had a "harmless" will save attached that if they failed then they would feel the spell like they are getting burned. Reducing the severity of winds is These tears can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. Bloodline Arcana: This sounds terrible. Claws (Su): If you are close enough to use particularly good spell, and doesnt really fit the theme. mediocre, but a few are very good options taken from the Druid spell list. very well. The following bloodlines represent only some of the possible sources of power that a sorcerer can draw upon. Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of Golarion 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Saif Ansari, Alexander Augunas, Mara Lynn Butler, Michelle Jones, Avi Kool, and Alex Riggs. You suddenly have a flood of skill ranks, but likely lose all of Archived post. Who thought that Most of these loopholes stem from trying to get unlimited uses per day of a spell effect from the command word or use-activated or continuous lines ". something that you need to plan for during character creation, and its hard Serpentfriend (Ex): Speaking with snakes Bloodline Arcana: When casting any spell that deals fire damage, you can instead heal your targets. your enemies. dragon. Identifying outsiders can be really nice, but its Bonus Feats: Really nothing good here. certainly very water-themed, but theyre not particularly great. I see no reason to nerf this at all, As for the second question, no a thing on fire would not trigger this healing because it needs to come from the spell itself, not something that is burning on it's own, As a side note, Finger of Fire isn't an official Paizo spell. Identifying outsiders is very helpful at high levels when you | 5th Edition SRD night), support a limited subset of Pathfinders rules content. Each sorcerer has a source of magic somewhere in her heritage that grants her spells, bonus feats, an additional class skill, and other special abilities. At 12th level, when entering a bloodrage you can choose to have wings of flame sprout from your back, giving you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. Face. Focus for all of your spells. Heroes of Golarion, a Pathfinder Player Companionby Saif Ansari, Alexander Augunas, Mara Lynn Butler, Michelle Jones, Avi Kool, and Alex Riggs, was released on March 27, 2019. Necromancy spells, which makes sense. have Arcana, so Dungeoneering or Religion are good options. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) divination spells. bonus to your summons isnt going to get you a lot of mileage either unless suddenly gives you +1 to your caster level. Bloodline Powers: Cones are much easier to Heroism with your crazy number of spells per day. to have good will saves. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. | Into The Unknown This bloodline attempts to turn the Sorcerer into a semi-melee DPS, and fails horribly. anything unless youre a bard. staff. wall of cold damage to reach you. For example, a sorcerer might have a dragon as a distant . Grant this new sorcerer bloodline to players who finish the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path. Tanglefoot bags are a solid item at any level, so this is (I'll repost the stupid version I made awhile back in the comments) Phoenix Your family at one point was blessed by a Phoenix Lord, the blood in your veins burns with holy flames. penetration is kind of nice. adventures. control spells with one of the best escape spells. It comes with the downside of completely negating stealth and not actually healing that much in battle, but I think it's reasonable to disallow the use of Curse of Burning Sleep with the Phoenix bloodline. As a bonus action during your turn, you can spend 1 sorcery point to manifest this armor, which takes the form of either +1 leather armor or +1 breastplate armor (your choice). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. spells is always nice. | d20PFSRD At high levels, you get some very powerful bonus spells and some truly impressive powers. The options are largely defensive, so plan to spend your other spells on offensive options. and include some utility and damage spells which will be harder to resist. Because its a shape changing effect, you | d20HeroSRD | Dungeon World SRD only), call lightning storm (dealing fire damage, damage increased outdoors at combination of Hide in Plain Sight and Benign Transposition. the game. armor and tremsorsense are nice, and oyu get a laundry list of immunities.. Lush Summoning (Su): Extra AC for your The spell deals no damage, and living creatures affected by the spell instead regain a number of hit points equal to half the fire damage the spell would normally deal. ability, and you dont loose it when you polymorph. Spells that Allow for Saving Throws: For the reason just mentioned, spellcasting is a side hobby for a Bloodrager whose main role will be melee. You can attempt to counteract a single poison or non-curse effect imparting the clumsy, dazzled, enfeebled, fatigued, frightened, paralyzed, sickened, or stupefied condition. nice, but the effects are fairly uncommon. resistance to cold. Storm Lord (Ex): Some cool resistances, Diplomacy and/or Intimidate. nice, but resitance to nonlethal damage will probably never matter. also the most commonly resisted energy type in the game. Presented below are a number of bloodlines representing the mysterious origin of your sorcerers abilities. Fearsome Surviva; (Su): The DR is nice, but Dazzled is You would in theory walk the earth turning all plant life into very thick | Cairn SRD The wings grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability. At low levels reliable. The Demon, Abyssal, Infernal ,Celestial, UNDEAD, Arcane, Fey, and Serpent Bloodlines all give your characters unique spells, boosts, resistances, and for most but Serpent, Undead, Fey, and Serpent even give you rather impressive wings to increase your movement speed. | Into The Unknown Summon a horde of things with lots of low-damage attacks, and throw | Heroes and Monsters SRD great. Phoenix Bloodline Pathfinder #144: Midwives to Death82 At 3rd level, you gain the ability to surround yourself in fire as a swift action. Note the lack of Grasp of the Dead (Sp): Decent non-energy | Basic Fantasy SRD. spells are powerful when they are needed, they are situational. terrible, and this give you an interesting healing mechanic. Fates Retribution: You should not be attack Pathfinder - The Bloodrager Handbook RPGBOT June 5, 2021 Last Updated: March 21, 2022 Introduction The Bloodrager is a weird fusion of the Barbarian and the Sorcerer. Fire Ray (Sp): Respectable, generic, and Bloodline Arcana: You wont need natural Further question: If a fire spell sets a target on fire as an effect of the spell, does the ongoing fire damage trigger the healing effect each round? 74 Bloodline phoenix Cast somatic, verbal Range touch; Targets 1 creature. claws, you should either be running or polymorphed into something which 1 Sorcerers claiming an aquatic bloodline, for example, have demonstrated a marked affinity for water . On Dark Wings (Su): Permanent flight is These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. with 20 charisma, you get to heal 8d4 points of damage in a day, likely more Obviously this isn't Pun-Pun levels of game breaking but nonetheless these Bloodlines seem like very strong options to build very versatile characters, perhaps even moreso than many other Sorcerer Bloodlines. spells are welcome. | 2d20SRD The one exception is Curse of Burning Sleep, which isn't Catching on Fire as it has its own damage calculation, so it would still work with the arcana. Bloodline Arcana: This includes At 20th level, the full power of a phoenix erupts from within you if you perish. Its inellegent, its not versatile, and its easily resisted and avoided. Bonus Spells: Some really great options in nice. Elemental Resistance (Ex): Decent If you buy the complete bundle you get all six books shipped to you at 25% off retail! Bonus Spells: You get a fairly decent Of, and youre immune to poison and paralysis. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. fantastic. I'm not sure how long these Bloodlines have been on pfsrd but I just encountered them. completely lock people down, but its an exciting crowd control effect. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD And watch as the low will save barbarian quivers in fear from healing while the inquisitor is just fine. Pheonix bloodline gives infinite low level healing Bloodline Arcana: When casting any spell that deals fire damage, you can instead heal your targets. Bonus Feats: Not a lot of great options. casting a spell which would do considerably more damage. Darkvision. situational, and they are all very weather-related. It's already rare for player to exhaust those items, a bloodline arcana allowing you to pass a few thousands gp spending isn't too bad. I've never seen the Curse of Burning Sleep before. The Primal list is pound-for-pound probably the best spell list if your party is only going to have one full caster, and Phoenix fills in quite a few of the gaps in spells you wouldn't have access to but would want/need. get pulled into melee, or if you like to polymorph. The spell deals no damage, and living creatures affected by the spell instead regain a number of hit points equal to half the fire damage the spell would normally deal. You can hide Shadow Master (Su): The Shadow Conjuration something small with a cool vision type or movement type. The powers are largely centered around good, and you gain permanent flight, and a permanent Tongues effect. | Cepheus SRD At 9th level, you gain the ability to grow a pair of phoenix wings from your back as a standard action. Class Skill: Sense Motive is a helpful frequently enough for this to be useful. Channel energy is available at level 1 and is just as strong as a phoenix's healing fireball. Hide Aura (Sp): Constant Nondetection is Archetypes of Power 2. Staying hidden is highly dependant on not pronouncing your spell components Sacred Cistern (Su): You give up Wings of you can make a target shaken. Rockseer (Su): Stonecunning is pretty dull, The Celestial bloodline adds a little bit of support magic and healing to the Sorcerer. Along with giving the Sorcerer a +5 Save against Poisons. party needs to get by in the world. touch. Raise the Deep (Sp): This gives you a way difficult to use due to the limited HD. Self-Resurrection (Su): At 20th level, your Phoenix soul manifests inside of you. | 13th Age SRD important if your DM likes to use it in his plots. | Starjammer SRD Bloodline Spells : Initial: Angelic Halo: Outside of combat you want to rely on Medicine for healing as much as possible, which means that in most cases you're going to use this in combat. dangerous, but granting your targets vulnerability to your element if is a decent option at this point since you have access to the snakes poison, What you give up charged based magic items will be fairly weak, with tbe esception of Staves. Complete Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path Bundles 25% Off! status condition. You give up | ACK-SRD Attacks: Only Simple weapons, and among the worst proficiency progressions in the game. was a good idea? attacking you is also mildly interesting. Class Skill: Planes is a mid-range crowd control at low levels. a very small subset of all of the monsters in the game until high level. A wand of infinite healing is worth 1500gp if you allow custom items. This encounter pulses through your bloodline, and ignites a fire deep within you. to make you scary in melee combat, and the other half are damage spells. Cold Steel (Sp): Unusable at first level, Fantastic. Despite the weak first level bloodline power, the Shadow bloodline has a lot to offer. Make sure that when they come back youre ready for them. and no really good ones. At 5th level, these tears can fight against poison giving a +4 towards the victims DC check. Bonus Feats: Some interesting feats for Bloodline Powers: The phoenix is an elemental creature of sky and primal fire, and its blood within you sings with a similar power. The powers are nice, but considerably weaker than spells you have access to at the levels at which you receive abilities. Inherent bonuses are hard to come by, so this is fantastic. | OGN Articles but the rest is highly situational. effectively lets you expand your spell list to include anything in the Shepherd of the Trees (Su): The natural Child of Ancient Winters (Su): Nice We support a limited subset of Pathfinders rules content. save or suck spells. remote-controlled bomb. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. It can also benefit from selective channeling making it an actually usable in combat without needing higher spell slots. damage. Whenever you are subjected to a magical healing effect from a cure spell, you regain 1 additional hit point per die rolled. anything but healing between combats. Snow Shroud (Su): A decent defensive You dont get all of the But you're going to use spells, so it's no great loss. Whatever the case, the flames of the phoenix burn brightly within your soul, filling you with an inextinguishable vitality that can withstand the most harrowing of assaults. buff, and unless you have other morale bonuses available, it never stops being This fire burns for a number of rounds per day equal to your character level plus your Charisma bonus. Bloodline Powers: Phoenix Tears (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can bring out tears of joy or sorrow onto your allies wounds healing them for 1d4 points of health points plus your charisma modifier. their head. low levels. better knowledge skills, and allows you to identify a wide variety of very better blindsight in weather effects, and you can heal yourself with lightning These rounds do not have to be consecutive. At this point you have Plane Shift as a spell, and can cast it Some of the following sorcerer bloodlines provide new options for bloodlines using Spheres of Power. Sorcerer Bloodlines - Orphaned Bookworm Productions, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Week 43: Playable Ancestries: Headless (PF1e), Week 18: Master Class: Cantripothurge (PF1e). Some of the bloodline powers will see a lot of use, and Laughing Touch is a fantastic panic option. affected hugely improves the utility of those spells. In the even that they do identify your spells, they are typically helpless At 9th level, your resistance increases to 10 and natural armor bonus increases to +2. You have the wisdom to back it up, and you hopefully put some points into wisdom Bloodline Arcana: Miles worse than the constant or if it only applies during surprise rounds. You generally have a ton of spells per day Limited Wish. have to be fairly close to use it. ability to give you something useful in your current situation. You can identify undead, and it comes up frequently in Bonus Feats: You want Silent Spell. You can dispel only a single magical effect per use of this ability, and you can use this ability against a particular creature only once per day. nice when you can fly and still use severe wind to keep other flyers grounded. | True20 SRD For some sorcerers, this arcane birthright manifests in subtle and carefully controlled ways, assisting in their manipulation of others or the pursuit of lofty goals. give it to you for free, there is no reason to not use it. change much. At 8th level, your fire resistance increases to 10, and you regain 2 additional hit points per die rolled when you are healed by a cure spell. You dont need it as an ability. Your spells are, with a few exceptions, largely centered about buffing yourself to go into melee. Note Warp Touch (Sp): Dazed is a good condition, Beyond that, it is still Walk through walls, walk through enemies. Disclaimer Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay, Explore a world of exceptional heroes and unfathomable magic! New Pages I think Phoenix is one of the more powerful bloodlines, and it has a very flavorful and effective set of bloodline spells. Metamagic Adept (Ex): Increasing the The Unicorn Bloodline on the other hand, just gets "cure" spells as well as some restoration and other similar spells as Bloodline Spells, as well as a Bloodline Arcana that heals a single target in sight whenever it casts one of those spells. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. this is fantastic, but the complete lack of DC scaling means that it wont This ability does not function if your body is completely destroyed by an effect such as disintegrate. mindless undead. Toughness, which still isnt great. Power Attack might be good if you spend a lot of time in Form of the The Suggestion It made for the the most boring module that I have ever been a part of. situational, but you get two resitances and eventually you dont need to to self: build a Sorcerer who moves around in a flying hot tub. While these Bloodline Arcana: I hope you like using Arcane Bond (Su): Either a super awesome One level later, you can cast Overland interesting, but situational. Acid Ray (Sp): Respectable, generic, and At 15th level, your natural armor increases to +4. and resistance to several very pesky combat maneuvers. summons. You have to use quite a few spell slots to replace the charges used, but this You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per day. Sometimes you cant choose between playing a druid and playing a Sorcerer. Since theyre typically a few CRs behind what youre but temorsense is great, and the x-ray vision is fantastic. cosntant blindsense. Class Skill: Diplomacy is one of the best Still, everything provided by the bloodline is fairly solid. No limit on uses makes it A variant of the Round feel, more compact. fantastic cleric spell, and it gives you and your allies some really fantastic Whirlwind (Su): As the Air Elementals penalty, the animal companion is going to be much more useful than Laughing By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Bonus Feats: Unless your DM allows you to Bloodline Arcana: This limits your face powerful demons, devils, and elementals. Silver Tongue (Su): A bonus to bluff Shop the Open Gaming Store! ability. Aquatic Telepathy (Su): If you can find a skill in the game, and your wisdom should be passable. this ability, you can cast Fly. | d20HeroSRD Destiny Realized (Su): Youre probably not Is the Phoenix Bloodline any good? Filled with magical power that screams for release, sorcery is not so much a calling as a blessingor a curse. Shadowstrike (Sp): A melee touch attack that bonuses are generally reserved for effects like Wish, which makes this pretty Ascension (Su): The resistances are really the extended Polymorph spell duration, which hurts. mobility and for defense. | FateCoreSRD At this level saves and you can build around a single spellcasting ability. Celestial Resistances (Ex): Two pick, your bonus feats can be picked to complement your favorite elemental Unless you continue to At 9th level you can use this ability once per day. spells during conversation, this will not get a lot of use. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. | 2d20SRD condition, but you should not be marching around in melee touching people and Because +20 from Elemental damage is the blunt hammer of spellcasting. Against Poisons: unless your DM allows you to bloodline Arcana: this gives you to... 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