D. Replacement of Meat or Parts 1. Standard yields for high-cost ingredients such as meat are determined by calculating the cost per cooked portion. The parts of the meat are listed on the yield test sheet under the heading Breakdown. In the example in Figure 12, a pork loin has been broken down into fat and gristle, loss in cutting, trim, and usable meat. Another common mistake is interchanging between volume and weight. The number of portions is usually included at the top of the recipe (or formulation) or at the bottom of the recipe. Standard Yields The yield of a recipe is the number of portions it will produce. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. For example, you may be preparing a recipe for carrot soup. Determine the total yield of the recipe by multiplying the number of portions and the size of each portion. That is, conversion factor = (required yield)/(recipe yield), Mixing and cooking times this can be affected if the equipment used to cook or mix is different from the equipment used in the original recipe, Shrinkage the percentage of food lost during its storage and preparation. They are simply good business! All recipes are not created equal. If the frames are used to produce finished products for recipients, used for commercial products, or sold, the standard yield of 74 percent for chicken and 86 percent for turkey must be used. About. Many operations use a management portion control record for menu items. And use this chart if you need to convert liquid measurements . Professional recipes should always state a yield; for example, a tomato soup recipe may yield 15 L, and a muffin recipe may yield 24 muffins. An example would be a soup recipe that yields 24, 8 oz. Interpreting Point-of-Sale Information, Appendix: Sample Kitchen Management Tools Spreadsheet, Yield in culinary terms refers to how much you will have of a finished or processed product. 8 tbsps. Some things to remember when writing a standardized recipe: Standardized recipes are an important control tool for food service managers and operations. The term 'standard' is synonymous with the phrase 'what it should be', standards are aids to management for the control of food and beverage department and for the measurement of the efficiency of kitchens and bars and especially butchery department. Another common mistake is interchanging between volume and weight. Foodservice businesses need to meet expectations for costs and profit for all menu items. On the other hand, 10 oz of brown sugar, will always be 10 oz. Note the yield of the recipe that is to be adjusted. However, a major exception is measuring liquids with a high sugar content, such as honey and syrup; these should always be measured by weight, not volume. The number of portions is usually included at the top of the recipe (or formulation) or at the bottom of the recipe. Liquids that are lighter than water (such as oils that float on water) have a specific gravity of less than 1.0. Other reasons to adjust recipes include changing portion sizes (which may mean changing the batch size of the recipe) and better utilizing available preparation equipment (for example, you need to divide a recipe to make two half batches due to a lack of oven space). Numbers are also used if the final product is countable. Recipes may have all three types of measurement. ~: 1) the quantity of finished product a given recipe will produce, often expressed in number of servings of a specified size. Obtain the conversion factor by dividing the required yield (from Step 2) by the old yield (from Step 1). A standard recipe includes the size of the portions that will make up a serving of the recipe. Volume measurement is usually used with liquids or fluids because such items are awkward to weigh. By Jacob Shteyman. For example, 1 cup of brown sugar (measured by volume) could change drastically depending on whether it is loosely or tightly packed in the vessel. For example, the temptation is to simply multiply the weight of the fat and gristle (850 g) by $0.20 and get $170 instead of converting the grams into kilograms (850 g = 0.850 kg) and then multiplying to give the actual value of $0.17. How much cropland has the world spared due to increases in crop yields? Standardize recipes can help with work simplification and incorporate HACCP into procedures. Get your yield percentage by converting the edible product weight into a percentage. Only by controlling portions is it possible to control food costs. Standard yields for high-cost ingredients such as meat are determined by calculating the cost per cooked portion. % of fat and gristle = weight of part total weight. Note: Using convenience products is usually more costly than preparing the item in-house. The cooked roast is to be served in 8 ounce portions as part of a roast beef dinner. 15 years of experience in Food industry. However, some chefs and managers feel that using premade convenience products is easier than hiring and training qualified staff. Portions are consistent in size and presentation and are easily costed out on a per unit basis. There are also specific procedures to ensure that the measuring is done accurately and consistently. Some operations also have photographs of each item posted in the kitchen area to remind workers what the final product should look like. Terminology within the standardized recipes should be at the skill level of employees, for example, instruct an employee to melt butter and whisk with flour instead of saying make a roux, if more appropriate for a specific operation. This difference shows why the basic formula for determining standard portion costs will not work with meat. This column in Figure 12 attempts to reduce the chance that all this work is suddenly for naught. Learn how BCcampus supports open education and how you can access Pressbooks. Detailing the mise en place for individual ingredients, such as peeling and cutting, with each ingredient can also improve the clarity and efficiency of recipe preparation. Our customers must be able to rely on a consistent nutritional quality and allergen content at a minimum, but our customers also deserve to receive the SAME product every time they order a menu item they like and appreciate. The Book of Yields: Accuracy in Food Costing and Purchasing. Controlling portion size has two advantages in food management: Standard portions mean that every plate of a given dish that leaves the kitchen will be almost identical in weight, count, or volume. The most common way to adjust recipes is to use the conversion factor method. Considering the losses incurred from trimmings and waste, your actual cost for your processed ingredient has gone up from what you originally paid, which was your raw cost or AP cost. Converting and Adjusting Recipes and Formulas, 18. An example would be a soup recipe that yields 24, 8 oz. These claims are overblown, but soil erosion is a problem and we can do something about it. Standardization Always Meets Expectations, assuring nutritional content and addressing dietary concerns, such as special diets or food allergies, helping ensure compliance with Truth in Menu requirements, incorporating work simplification principles and aids in cross-training, more easily meeting customer expectations, employees dont need them, they know how to do things in establishment, chef doesnt want to reveal their secrets, portion costs for the item will be consistent until ingredient or labor costs change, and. Yield: The yield of a recipe should be recorded as the total weight or volume produced per 50 or 100 servings (or another specified number of servings). Yield testing will be discussed later in this book. When meat is delivered, unless it has been purchased precut, it must be trimmed and cut into portions. This has to be done carefully as the units must match. Simple methods to control portion include weighing meat before it is served, using the same size juice glasses when juice is served, counting items such as shrimp, and portioning with scoops and ladles that hold a known volume. Finally, cooking equipment, temperatures, time, etc. On a scoop, such a number refers to the number of full scoops needed to fill a volume of one quart. Standardized recipes are a training tool for employees, A good recipe is like a well-crafted formula it has been tested and works every time, S.A.M.E. However, some chefs and managers feel that using premade convenience products is easier than hiring and training qualified staff. Standard portions are assured if the food operation provides and requires staff to use such tools as scales, measured ladles or spoodles, and standard size scoops. Meat and seafood products tend to be the most expensive part of the menu. In the coming years, plantbased research will be among the major drivers ensuring food security and the expansion of the biobased economy. If the amounts of some ingredients are too small to weigh (such as spices and seasonings), they may be left as volume measures. The formula is: factor as purchased cost per (unit) = edible product cost per (unit), Canned tuna $5.50 1.875 = $10.78/750 mL. Feeding a Growing Population Improvements in crop yields have been essential to feed a growing population, while reducing the environmental impact of food production at the same time. For example, a 5 kg roast might be purchased for $17 a kilogram. Get your yield percentage by converting the edible product weight into a percentage. In semiarid regions, soil salinity, like drought, restricts crop productivity, causing food shortages among most inhabitantsthe smallholder subsistence farmers. All end products to be processed must be submitted on an EPDS and approved by the applicable government agency. In our example, the first pass yield will be 60%. If possible, it is best to under-season and then adjust just before serving. Every ingredient has a different density and different gravitational weight, which will also change according to location. For example, 3 eggs is a common measurement called for in recipes, not just because 3 is easy to count but also because eggs are graded to specific sizes. The table below gives common yields for fruits after normal prep of the product has been done, such as peeling and seeding in the case of apples, or simply removing the pit from a plum. Notice that no value is given to any weight lost in cutting. Note: Using convenience products is usually more costly than preparing the item in-house. 5. Field and greenhouse-pot experiments were . For example, a standard recipe might be written to prepare 25 portions. Most big establishments will have this information on file, and there are many books that can also be used as reference for yields, such as The Book of Yields: Accuracy in Food Costing and Purchasing. A practical resource for making decisions regarding food plans and food preparation, e.g., where maximizing cooking yields is a desired outcome. Get your yield percentage by converting the edible product weight into a percentage. The food production systems are highly fragmented and dependent on a large number of small-scale producers. Consider how the customer would feel if the portion size fluctuated with the cooks mood. This is adequate for most recipes, although larger operations may require scales with a larger capacity. A critical turning point in modern agricultural history was the onset of The Green Revolution, a series of international programs launched in the 1950s and 60s designed to increase crop yields around the world through modern farming practices to truly revolutionize food production.. Earth.Og takes a closer look. Customers appreciate consistency. Liquid ingredients also are sometimes left as volume measures because it is easier to measure a quart of liquid than it is to weigh it. The record of the amount of the produced rice in a country or state or an area is called as rice yield. Tenderloin fat, sinew, chain, etc. Ultimately, sustainable food production is a tradeoff between optimizing yield and minimizing environmental degradation. Tests done periodically verify that the meat wholesaler is providing meat to stipulated specifications. Ingredients must be measured and scaled accurately, food production quantities are calculated, and recipes are increased or decreased to scale based on demand. Yields can also be expressed as a total volume or total weight the recipe produces. Example: Raw white potato, peeled, in. If the amount of trim and waste rises, so do food costs. An example would be a soup recipe that yields 24, 8 oz. Lettuce yields Long-term agricultural yields in the United Kingdom Long-term wheat yields in Europe Maize: Attainable crop yields Maize: Yield gap Oil palm fruit yields Oil yield by crop type Orange yields Pea yields Potato yields Rapeseed yields Rice yields Soybean yields Sugar beet yields Sugar cane yields Tea yields Tomato yields Wheat yield Those that are heavier than water and will sink, such as molasses, have a specific gravity greater than 1.0. Replacement of Standard Yield components at a ratio of 1:1 basis The yield of a recipe is the number of portions it will produce. Financial Business Partner to Manufacturing, Procurement and Supply Chain. The formula is: Once the factor has been determined, it is now an easy process to determine your EP cost. A weight example would be a recipe that yields 20, 4 oz. Section 3 - Managing Procurement and Food Production, Section 4 - Managing & Controlling Operating Expenses, Section 5 - Planning for Profitable Business. The difference between the raw or As purchased (AP) weight and the prepared or edible portion (EP) weight is termed a production loss. They are simply good business! Feeding 10 billion people sustainably by 2050, then, requires closing three gaps: A 56 percent food gap between crop calories produced in 2010 and those needed in 2050 under "business as usual" growth; A 593 million-hectare land gap (an area nearly twice the size of India) between global agricultural land area in 2010 and expected . Many facilities preparing food in large quantities also batch cook, so the standardized recipes will incorporate those procedures into the instructions. customers receive consistent quantities each time they order a given plate or drink. STANDARD YIELDS The term yield means the net weight or volume of a food item after it has been processed and made ready for sale to the guest. Standard Yields The yield of a recipe is the number of portions it will produce. A standard yield results when an item is produced according to established standard production procedures outlined in the standard recipe. 102 Food Yields (AH-102) has been referenced for use by food service operations, the food industry, database Today, the meat cutting yield test is losing some of its popularity because of the introduction of pre-portioned meats. are adjusted for the facility. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Spices and seasonings must be increased with caution as doubling or tripling the amount to satisfy a conversion factor can have negative consequences. Another method is using convenience products. Food safety is a paramount concern in international food regulations. In 2020-21, minor cereals such as foxtail millet (S. italica), proso millet (P. miliaceum), barley (H. vulgare), pearl millet (P. glaucum), and oats (A. sativa) occupied 4813 ha of land, involving 28,420 farmers (Table 1, Fig. The reason weight is more accurate than volume is because it takes into account factors such as density, moisture, and temperature that can have an effect on the volume of ingredients. Their costs, as well as their ordering and inventory systems, would be incredibly inaccurate, all of which would impact negatively on their profit margin. Standardized recipes can help employees produce menu items most efficiently if they also list mise en place for small equipment needed for the recipe, such as measuring tools, preparation tools (knives, peeler), holding pans, cooking utensils, etc. There are also specific procedures to ensure that the measuring is done accurately and consistently. All products must be measured and yield tested before costing a menu. Numbers are also used if the final product is countable. Recipes often need to be adjusted to meet the needs of different situations. Yield Percentage: The percentage of the as-purchased quantity that is edible. Math is used for portion control, to maintain . Liquids that are lighter than water (such as oils that float on water) have a specific gravity of less than 1.0. 4.0. Foodservice operations need to meet expectations for employees, their skill level and training. The formula is EP weight AP weight 100 = yield %. What is standard yield in food production? These products are received usually frozen and are ready to cook. Yield in culinary terms refers to how much you will have of a finished or processed product. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. When proportions of ingredients are critical, their measurements are always given in weights. Throughput yield We will always indicate the original source of the data in our documentation, so you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use and redistribution. Why is it important to understand the difference between volume and weight measurements when developing recipes? Even flour, which one might think is very consistent, will vary from location to location, and the result will mean an adjustment in the amount of liquid needed to get the same consistency when mixed with a given volume. The control record is posted in the kitchen so cooks and those who plate the dishes know what constitutes standard portions. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Share this page. Innovations, such as the use of fertilizer, the creation of better farming tools, new methods of farming and improved crop varieties, have improved yields.. This factor converts all your calculations into percentages. 1.Introduction. Foodservice operations need to meet expectations for employees, their skill level and training. A resource to use in converting volume to weight is the Book of Yields. The cooked roast is to be served in 250 g portions as part of a roast beef dinner. Keywords: Coarse grains, corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, trade, feed and residual, food and industrial use, international production . Determine the total yield of the recipe by multiplying the number of portions and the size of each portion. Abstract The growing world population and global increases in the standard of living both result in an increasing demand for food, feed and other plantderived products. The following are ten ways AI has the potential to improve agriculture in 2021: 1. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at https://status.libretexts.org. For example, a 5 kg roast might be purchased for $17 a kilogram. The formula is EP weight AP weight 100 = yield %. dice. The higher the yield and more intensive . 1).Foxtail millet was the dominant minor cereal, having been cultivated on 63.0% of the land occupied by minor cereal crops . Substantially increasing the yield of small home cook recipes can be problematic as all the ingredients are usually given in volume measure, which can be inaccurate, and increasing the amounts dramatically magnifies this problem. Why is using standardized recipes an important cost control tool for foodservice operations? If a situation arises where 60 portions of the item are needed, the recipe must be properly adjusted. The recipe requires 1 kg of carrots, which you purchase. Our articles and data visualizations rely on work from many different people and organizations. There are formal and informal rules governing which type of measurement should be used. Most recipes call for large eggs unless stated otherwise. Notice the difference between the wholesale cost ($12.14 kg) and the cost of usable meat ($21.78). Decide what yield is required. If a situation arises where 60 portions of the item are needed, the recipe must be properly adjusted. In McDonalds, there is a yield calculated for the oz of fries per bag (prorated from boxes, too) to insure the employee is not cheating the customer or over-stuffing and mashing the fr. A) (1750 2500) x 100 = 70% for the tenderloin B) (5000 7750) x 100 = 64.51% for the salmon C) (400 750) x 100 = 53.33% for the canned tuna COOKING LOSS TEST When citing this topic page, please also cite the underlying data sources. Using the correct units is very important. Standard Yield Production (food) the process of getting food ready for service, which is comprised of three steps: 1.0preparation which includes such activities as meat trimming and vegetable cleaning. Unless you are measuring water, remember not to use a volume measure for a weight measure, and vice versa. Finally, cooking equipment, temperatures, time, etc. Long-term agricultural yields in the United Kingdom. Agriculture is a major driver of global warming, accounting for about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2014a).It is also the largest consumer of freshwater, requiring 69% of global withdrawals (UN, 2018), and is recognized as the main driver of deforestation (FAO and UNEP, 2020). The skill level of employees should also be taken into account when writing recipe procedures or directions. Example: When converting recipes, conversion calculations do not take into account certain factors: Some other problems that can occur with recipe conversions are: The fine adjustments that have to be made when converting a recipe can only be learned from experience, as there are no hard and fast rules. portions which could also be stated as a yield of six quarts or a 1 gallon. Claims that the world has only 100, 60, or even 30 years of harvests left often hit the headlines. This is called specific gravity. 4 ozs. History: Since 1950, the USDA Agriculture Handbook No. Example 15: The total value of usable meat equation, total value of usable meat = total cost total value of breakdown parts, Example 16: Cost of usable kg (or EP cost) equation, cost per usable kg = total value of usable meat kg weight of usable meat, = $28.31 1.3 kg (remember 1300 g = 1.3 kg). Volume is often the measure used when portioning sizes of finished product. Recipes may have all three types of measurement. By increasing crop yields we can reduce the amount of land we use for agriculture. Standardized recipes are critical to the foodservice industry. After trimming and cooking, the roast will not weigh 11 pounds, but significantly less and will thus yield fewer than 22 portions (11 pounds multiplied by 2 figuring that a pound (16 ounces) would yield two 8 oz portions.) In order for an operation to set a menu selling price that allows the operation to make a profit, its vital that the cost of each recipe and portion is calculated and relatively consistent. holding; not all foods require all three production steps. Cooking yields describe changes in food weight due to moisture loss (e.g., evaporation or moisture drip), water absorption (e.g., boiling) or fat gains/losses during food preparation and cooking. Always be 10 oz of brown sugar, will always be 10 oz brown! 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