neville longbottom eye color

What do I have to do to make you understand, Longbottom?Snape tormenting Neville. Neville Longbottom is the son of Frank and Alice Longbottom, famous and well-liked Aurors who were tortured into madness by the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange. [59], Later in the school year, during a detention session, Neville introduced his old friend Harry Potter to the students when he visited the school. [60] Hannah had retired from being landlady as of 2014, she and Neville were childless and scathingly reported by Rita Skeeter as "enjoying a little more Ogden's Firewhisky than most would expect from custodians of our children". Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsAugusta during the Battle of Hogwarts. Minerva McGonagall was Neville's Head of House and Transfiguration professor during his years at Hogwarts. From the moment he made his appearance in the books he was depicted as a 'round-face boy'. Neville Longbottom received one as a gift from his Gran at the beginning of the 1991-1992 school year. He is seen writing with this hand in a publicity photo for. Neville's initial lack of magical power could be deemed the result of his grandmother's overbearing presence as he acknowledges that she is constantly telling both him and others that he is not as talented as his parents and Dumbledore states that misery and lack of confidence can sap a wizard of his or her powers. [10] Sometime afterwards, he either sent an application to or was offered a place on the Hogwarts staff by Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, and ultimately landed a teaching job in the Herbology department,[4] under Head of Department, Pomona Sprout. In the final exams, he scored well in Herbology, making up for his poor marks in Potions. As a pure-blood wizard, he was likely related to other wizarding families such as the Weasleys, Crouches, Potters, and the Blacks. Snape went so far as to feed a few drops of Neville's Shrinking Solution to Neville's pet, Trevor, so as to humiliate him for doing badly on the potion and almost kill Neville's toad. [54], During the first round of battle, Neville used various plants to attack Death Eaters, and helped transport the injured and dead when a temporary cease-fire was called. This was likely caused by his grandmother's belief that he was not living up to his parents' accomplishments, and browbeating from fellow students and people like Professor Snape. Harry felt that Neville was far more deserving of pity than he, though he promised Dumbledore not to tell anyone what he knew, as it was Neville's decision whether or not to reveal his past to his friends. He later asked the same Calamity Investigator to procure dung from an Antipodean Opaleye dragon to use as a potent fertiliser before discussing the properties of fertilisers with the Calamity Investigator. Neville eventually decided to cease their open rebellion after Michael Corner was caught and brutally tortured for freeing a chained-up first year. History 'But he might have chosen wrong!' said Harry. Trevor was Neville's pet toad. In an attempt to control Neville, Ministry Auror John Dawlish was sent to take Neville's grandmother hostage; unfortunately for Dawlish, the tenacious Augusta Longbottom fought back, apparently putting Dawlish in St Mungo's and going on the run. However, Voldemort chose to target the Potters based on the simple concept that Harry was a half-blood like himself, thus marking Harry, and not Neville, as his equal. Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and more (dolls each sold separately) and the doll playsets to build out your own Wizarding World. [2] meetings. Neville was not an academically strong student in his early years, often requiring Hermione's help in class and with school-work. Neville was later invited to join Horace Slughorn, the new Potions Master, in his train compartment. Back to Top. She plays Quidditch, but isn't on the team. The centaurs and Grawp, Hagrid's half-brother, appear from the Forbidden Forest,. She often scolded Neville for his clumsiness and incompetence, though it was more likely his lack of confidence that frustrated her. 30 July 1980)[1][2] was a British pure-blood[3] wizard, the only child and son of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Apparently, Professor Sprout told Professor Moody I'm really good at Herbology.Neville's talent in Herbology. They manage to escape and safely return to Gryffindor Tower. meetings, and was the fastest to pick up new spells aside from Hermione. There is a feature named "Neville Longbottom, a true Gryffindor" on, Rowling has revealed that the original last name for Neville's character was "Puff.". Neville suffered an injury that kept him in the hospital wing for some time, though he was able to attend the funeral of Albus Dumbledore shortly afterwards, where Luna helped him into his seat. "Only a true Gryffindor could have pulled that out of the hat, Harry." [55] When the Death Eaters approached with a "dead" Harry, Neville stood up in defiance of Voldemort. He jealously listened to their recap of the Quidditch World Cup; his grandmother had not wanted to go, and did not purchase tickets. Neville met Ron Weasley on the Hogwarts Express at the start of their first year. I'll I'll fight you!Neville bravely standing up to his friends, Neville began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on 1 September 1991. The following morning when Ron received a Howler from his mother, Neville warned him to open it quickly. "I know you from your cuteness, but so does everybody else," Neville laughs. While Muggle-borns were rounded up and Harry, Ron, and Hermione went on the run to search for Voldemort's Horcruxes, Neville returned to Hogwarts, and, along with Ginny and Luna, restarted Dumbledore's Army. He watched as Neville's eyes rolled up, his grip loosening on the old school broom, and he slid to one side without warning. After scoring his breakout role in 2001's "The Sorcerer's Stone," Lewis transformed. The two continued to be friendly afterwards, and Ginny, like Harry, Hermione and Ron, encouraged Neville to be more confident. Neville began school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991 and was sorted into Gryffindor House, along with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley. Neville's parents were well-respected Aurors and members of the original Order of the Phoenix until they were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and three other Death Eaters with the Cruciatus Curse when he was about sixteen months old. It is also possible that she and Neville became close during Herbology lessons, as those were shared by Gryffindor and Hufflepuff of their year. Neville despised professor Dolores Umbridge, the Ministry-appointed Defence Against the Dark Arts professor for the 19951996 school year. Nevertheless, he held them in high esteem, much like his friend Harry looked up to the parents he never knew. At their first meeting in the Room of Requirement, Neville was left partner-less when they began practice; Neville instead partnered with Harry. Neville appeared to be fairly close to his great-uncle Algie, who tried to "scare" magic into him when he was younger; he once accidentally dropped Neville out of a window while reaching for a meringue, and when Neville bounced, his family was pleased to discover that he was not, in fact, a Squib. On 1 August 1997, Lord Voldemort took over the Ministry of Magic. Why don't you come up to my office? Neville, seeing what is going on, tried to help, but he was caught as well. Under Moody's influence, Neville performed a series of "quite astonishing gymnastics" that he could not have performed normally. -- Neville Longbottom ( OP10) The Mimbulus mimbletonia is a very rare magical plant, native to Assyria, which resembles a grey cactus but with boils where the spines would have been. Once on the train, he met Hermione Granger, who agreed to help him find his lost toad, and then Harry Potter and Ron Weasley when he entered their compartment tearfully looking for Trevor. As Neville's parents, Alice and Frank Longbottom, had been permanent residents of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries since Neville's infancy, he never knew them as the popular and talented Aurors they were reputed to be. She still seems to love her son, giving him what she can . She agreed to go with him as a friend, being too young to attend otherwise.[36]. [18], That year, Neville received a Remembrall from his grandmother as a gift which was flown in by an owl. This was pivotal in the development of his personality, as his grandmother often expressed her disappointment with her grandson's seeming lack of magical ability, and what she considered his inability to live up to his parents' skills. Furthermore, it's unknown if his appearance changed as he matured over the years, but it should be noted that the film Neville grew from a short, chubby boy into a lean young man taller than even Harry. Professor McGonagall informed him that the 'Acceptable' grade he achieved in Transfiguration was not good enough for N.E.W.T.-level, and he would not be able to keep up with the course work. ( 1) Facts About Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom actor) Matthew David Lewis's Appearance (Height, Hair, Eyes & More) Matthew David Lewis's Net Worth Matthew David Lewis has a new worth of approximately $10 million. The next year, while Harry, Ron and Hermione left Hogwarts to search for Voldemort's Horcruxes, Neville, along with Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood, led Dumbledore's Army in maintaining a steady level of opposition against Alecto and Amycus Carrow, two Death Eaters who had been appointed deputy Headmaster and Headmistress of Hogwarts under Severus Snape. [54], My Great Uncle Algie kept trying to catch me off my guard and force some magic out of me he pushed me off the end of Blackpool pier once, I nearly drowned Neville talking about Uncle Algie to his fellow Gryffindors. In fact, they were born a day apart, Neville on 30 July, Harry on 31 July, a crucial element in the series' plot and one that significantly connects them. While in the tunnel he explained to the trio the nature of his injuries and the reign of the Carrows at Hogwarts. Neville was one of two infants referred to in a prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney about the person with the power to defeat the Dark Lord. [59], During the first Hogsmeade weekend trip in the 20102011 school year, Neville caught up with Ivy Warrington, Daniel Page and another student after they fought a masked wizard following a magical display that damaged a tree. Hair Color: Black; Hair Length: -Eye Color: -Ethnicity: -Body Type: Slim; Facial Hair: -Age Range: -Nationality: -Join the Conversation. He even taunts Voldemort, saying that he will die in vain, (though Voldemort simply laughs at him), he pulls out the sword and Harry reveals himself to be alive. He was also most likely among the mass of students that attended the Memorial feast to Cedric Diggory, after Cedric was murdered on the orders of Lord Voldemort. He also later contacted the same Calamity Investigator to inform them that stroking, talking, and singing to plants encouraged their growth, with the Calamity Investigator later using this information to discover that singing the greatest hits of Celestina Warbeck to Dittany greatly increased its potency, decreasing the brewing time for their Healing Potions. helped protect fellow students from being bullied by the Death Eater teachers, and generally rebelled against authority, such as writing "Dumbledore's Army, still recruiting" on the Hogwarts walls and freeing students from detention. Hair color notwithstanding, all three actors did a great job playing Harry's oppressive adoptive family. He then demonstrated the three Unforgivable Curses on spiders, including the Cruciatus Curse, which left Neville deeply shaken. Much of his first year was plagued by similar mishaps. [27] This made its way to Draco Malfoy, who taunted Harry about fainting. Initially shy and clumsy, Neville regularly found himself on the receiving end of insults from Draco and his gang, and was often the butt of their jokes and pranks a fact which served only to make Neville clumsier and less confident. The latter convinced Harry to check to see if Sirius was at 12 Grimmauld Place before rushing off to rescue him, and Ginny and Luna came to their assistance. He somehow was able to turn his Shrinking Solution orange instead of green. in 1996, Harry noted that Neville looked happier than usual without Snape around. Neville and Harry fought together in the Battle of Hogwarts, where Harry realised that Neville was one of his closest friends and one of the few people he would like to see once again before he dies in the forest and Neville showed his bravery and loyalty to Harry when he openly defied Voldemort and beheaded Nagini, destroying Voldemort's last remaining Horcrux. He is a very timid boy, often seen as a bit of a dunce. . Slughorn was searching for new students to add to his Slug Club, but Neville didn't seem to meet Slughorn's requirements. Along with Luna Lovegood, he was the only member of Dumbledore's Army to reply to the summons via the coins. 1 Vote Yes. Having moments before, tied Slytherin for the House Cup, this pushed Gryffindor into undisputed first place. To counter the boggart, Lupin asked Neville to picture Snape in his grandmother's clothes. After arriving at Hogsmeade Station, Neville told people about the experience in the compartment. Voldemort offered Neville the chance to join him, commending his "spirit and bravery"; Neville declined, and instead, drew the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat and succeeded in beheading Nagini. However, Dumbledore believed that the prophecy did indeed refer to Harry, not Neville, as Voldemort marked Harry as his equal by attacking him.[2]. At one point, Sprout even spoke of Neville's strength in the subject to Barty Crouch Jnr, while he was disguised as Professor Moody. Who do you think should play Neville Longbottom in Harry Potter? Longbottom is the name of one of the Hobbits' villages at the. [42] This was proven by his participation in many battles and his revival of the D.A. Also during the Battle Neville duelled Scabior on the Covered Bridge. Neville witnessed Harry's final defeat of Voldemort and survived the Second Wizarding War. This was likely due to his own experience with his parents being subjected to the curse's worst possible outcome: the onset of permanent and complete insanity. When asked what scared him most in the world, Neville replied "Professor Snape", to which everyone found amusing. teacher. They were quick to mobilise against the invading Death Eaters, with Neville at their lead, while Harry, Ron, and Hermione were searching for Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem. Neville greeted Ron, Harry, and Hermione enthusiastically when they returned to Hogwarts in 1998, and they all fought against Voldemort's forces in the Battle of Hogwarts. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Mad-Eye Moody The Movies Leave Out. Neville Longbottom (b. [51], Alecto, Amycus's sister, teaches Muggle Studies, which is compulsory for everyone. Even if I didn't, I'd at least know you for the fact that you're the only person beating me in herbology," you animatedly explain. However, he thought that they should not be breaking rules and risking that Gryffindor would lose more points, and blocked the portrait hole, willing to fight them to make them stay. Neville and Hermione became members of Dumbledore's Army in 1995, during their fifth year at Hogwarts, and fought together at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, as well as in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower in 1997. After successfully disarming Harry, Neville then joined Ron and Hermione, so Harry could check on the others. As he gets older he gains more confidence and becomes more outgoing. The other was Harry Potter, and it was Harry whom Voldemort targeted on 31 October 1981 making Harry his equal and leading to his first defeat. Harry gave Neville his last Chocolate Frog from Christmas and consoled him by telling that he was worth twelve Malfoys, and that the Sorting Hat chose him for Gryffindor, while Malfoy was in "stinking Slytherin". During their years at Hogwarts, they became closer as Hermione encouraged him to stand up for himself when Draco Malfoy and his friends played pranks on him, or made jokes at his expense. 10. The revived D.A. Throughout the trials he faced over his seven years at Hogwarts, Neville blossomed from a timid, self-deprecating, and generally nervous student into a stalwart soldier possessed of an ironclad will, courage of outstanding merit, and a nobility of spirit, despite still having a comical and shy but at the same time courageous and fierce personality. By Minerva McGonagall's claim, however, Augusta should be proud of the grandson she has, as opposed to the one she wants. 0 Vote No . [13] During Neville's fourth year, Barty impersonated Alastor Moody and served as Neville's Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Dumbledore and Neville also fought together at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, where Dumbledore was killed by Severus Snape. Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixNeville insisting on going with the trio to the Department of Mysteries, In 1995, Neville met with Harry and Ginny on the Hogwarts Express. At the end of the year, Neville and Harry both fought in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and attended Dumbledore's funeral. It seemed that Luna was always glad when Neville, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Harry were close by, proved when the trio visited Luna's father Xenophilius Lovegood and seeing Luna's room with their painting on her bedroom ceiling connected with gold letters spelling "friends". They fought alongside one another at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. He entered the compartment Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron, and Ginny Weasley were in to find out what had happened. [34], A few days later in class, Neville was put under the Imperius Curse by Moody, under the pretence of letting the class know what it felt like. [24], In Gilderoy Lockhart's first Defence Against the Dark Arts class, a pair of "freshly caught" Cornish pixies picked Neville up by the ears and hung him, by his cloak, from a chandelier. He prompted Ivy to go to the Hospital Wing to fix her broken arm and the others to visit the Headmistress to tell the story, before noticing some red origami birds landing near them, which were signed by NOTME. After arriving at Hogsmeade station, Neville managed to retrieve his toad from Rubeus Hagrid.[15]. It was reported by Rita Skeeter that Neville was the godfather of Harry's second son, Albus Potter. Neville was their first victim, being attacked by a Dementor when he was picking herbs with students in the Forbidden Forest. The other was Harry Potter, and it was Harry whom Voldemort targeted on 31 October 1981 making Harry his equal and leading to his first defeat. It bloomed in spring, and he held a Blooming Party for it. During Neville's last year at Hogwarts, he, Luna and Ginny, re-formed and co-led Dumbledore's Army in order to oppose the Carrows. [50], Towards the end of the school year, Neville participated in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. Nearly everyone laughed at that, and then Professor Lupin replied thoughtfully, "Professor Snape."[8]. Miraculously, Neville bounced. Long gone are the buxom clan of 11 year olds that rocked up to Lacock Abbey to film that iconic first Quidditch lesson with Madame Hooch and well, two decades on, they've turned out to be quite the lookers. He, Ron, Ginny and Luna joined Harry and Hermione, who had left Umbridge at the grace of infuriated centaurs. Neville was subsequently raised by his paternal grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. Believing that their return meant the overthrow of the Death Eater professors, Neville signalled the rest of the D.A. She has an older twin brother named, Keith and older sister named, Alice. Matthew Lewis had to wear fake teeth for the fourth film. [57], Throughout his new career, his students would come to be impressed whenever he showed them his Dumbledore's Army coin, which he and other D.A. When Hagrid learned the truth, he instead paired Neville with himself and Hermione. Ron and Neville both became members of Dumbledore's Army in 1995, in order to oppose Professor Umbridge and learn to fight the Death Eaters. Tell me, boy, does anything penetrate that thick skull of yours? [38], When Harry, Ron, and Hermione began organising Dumbledore's Army, Neville was among the first to sign up. [12] She often chided Neville for not living up to his family's honour and was partly the reason for Neville's lack of self-confidence early in his school years. Eye Color. Neville Longbottom, now a popular Herbology teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is here in Patagonia with his wife Hannah. Most of the former members reunited and spent ample time hiding in the Room of Requirement, awaiting the return of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Neville Longbottom (10353) Blaise Zabini (6024) Pansy Parkinson (6014) Severus Snape (5985) Include Relationships Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (5032) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (3719) Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (2887) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (2869) Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley (2706) Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood (1472) At the end of their fight with Gridley and his Dementors, Neville's wand was taken by Gridley, who had had his own wand snapped in half by Daniel, but Neville then awakened and knocked Gridley out with his bare fist, ending the confrontation. However the other students pointed out that Neville should be all right; he was a pure-blood and thus unlikely to be attacked. During a Christmas season in the 1980s, Neville travelled with his grandmother to St Mungos to visit his parents for the holidays. Neville was raised by his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, after his parents were tortured to the point of insanity when he was an infant. from the. [39] With Harry's encouragement, by the beginning of Christmas break, Neville had improved "beyond all recognition. Sometime before 2014, he married his former classmate and D.A. ", Writing by J. K. Rowling: "The Quill of Acceptance and The Book of Admittance", "J. K. Rowling at Carnegie Hall Reveals Dumbledore is Gay; Neville Marries Hannah Abbott, and Much More", DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY REUNITES AT QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP FINAL, "Exclusive: Matthew Lewis talks Verdict, confirms new Deathly Hallows: II battle scene", "Audio: Harry Potter cast & crew at Deathly Hallows: Part 2 NYC press conference", Director of the Investigation Department No. August 1997, Lord Voldemort took over the Ministry of Magic `` [ 8 ] about the in. Left Neville deeply shaken Herbology.Neville 's talent in Herbology, making up for his clumsiness incompetence. Nearly everyone laughed at that, and he held them in high esteem, much like his friend Harry up... 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