nightly business report alternative

That 1/2 hour program is the most educational, impartial program on televisioncapable of teaching people about the force that drives the world economy. I often gained insights from it about daily occurrences that the basic news channels completely overlook in their commercial filled 15 minutes of all the news you need to know but will never find on any network or cable program. I think people should respectfully request that CNBC reconsider its decision to leave NBR and PBS. yep this be it for me ? Maybe you can sell it to another party, maybe a hedge fund? This is such a dreadful loss.. Ill just go to CNBC during this time to catch up on daily financial news, OH wait, its all reality re-run shows for 4 hours! Mi am sick! K.W. There must be at least one sane, realistic producer left? Do they even care? Current ( This is EXACTLY the way I found out, and the way I watched, and feel also! Address: 1701 JFK Boulevard The lightning round with Jim Cramer? Ive watched it since inception. Would hope that Comcast parent of CNBC would find a way to continue this very useful and valuable program. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Hello? Need to figure out where to go for my daily, no bias, investment news, suggestions???? Why not bring it back and add a few more commercials. By Bridget Bowman and Ben Kamisar. Very sorry to lose NBR. I seldom missed a show for over 25 years since recording availability. Cannot imagine being without this source of business news in the future. Do not give this program up it is too excellent to let it go. What a loss! Brown Media Archives January 07, 2021 I learned even more from the NBR, now freshly gone. Not sure whycan someone please explain this decision. [Male Announcer] Nightly Business Report is brought to you by. Hope Bill, Sue and everyone find another place to thrive. This brought me to watching PBS and to contributing to the station. It seems PBS cannot produce its own shows. So sad. Chapter 477 Regret Yan Qiyue woke up in the middle of the night.She was in pain all over.Although the effects of the medicine had passed, the sequelae were still there.When she saw Yan order male supplements Jinghan, she felt relieved a little.Different from her, Yan Jinghan was sitting on the head of the bed neatly dressed, with a cigarette in . I refuse to watch her. A series of suit-and-tie anchors hosted the newscast and brought and introduced to audiences such nerdy experts as Alan Greenspan before he became The Fed.. The answer is yes, at least from APT. And I agree. Im truly saddened. HOPE THEY RECONSDIER THIS CANCELLATION NO SUSTITUTE. They say the rationale for stopping production of this fine show was because this information is available in so many other places and formats. Please. Bloomberg tv is available on streaming devices, such as Roku boxes. i have been a viewer since very early on. In todays low quality tv, this show set the standards for quality business news. I will really miss it. Twice a year I have pledged and paid. FYI charitable donations are still deductible. can understand it. I What a loss. [1] During times of crisis, I tend to have it on starting early Sun evening to see how the markets will be opening. Toss the good stuff and push the crap? The final episode airs Friday, Dec. 27, 2019. Paul Kangas is rolling over in his grave. The NBR co-anchors, executive producer and entire CNBC team have been strong partners in delivering this trusted business news service, said Cynthia Fenneman, APT president and CEO, in a statement released Thursday. Find the latest business news with reports on Wall Street, interest rates, banking, companies, and U.S. and world financial markets. This has been a staple in our house for some time and could always be relied on to present a well rounded analysis of the business decisions and current financial climate. Benoit Beaulne I hope someone new will see the vacuum and take advantage of it. In this era of FAKE NEWs THIS is the true DUMBING DOWN of America.. Here it was: Any tips for a comprehensive daily market news summary? In the financial world. I cant believe after all the layoffs, downsizing, and bureau closings that this program would be cancelled. I am a loyal fan for over a decade. This truly was a very informative and professionally presented institution. Not everyone has a computer or a smart phone. Comcast happily obliged. NBR provided context for other events and was my go-to evening viewing, both in Colorado and when I moved to Florida. Very sad. We are too! Philadelphia, PA Both of my sons grew up watching it with me and now live in other states. Thats what happens when quality programming gets acquired by mega-broadcasters they dont care about content value just the bottom line. I am truly saddened and shocked to hear this. NBR was important with its consideration of the economy and fiscal points. My parents always contributed, & we always contributed I loved to watch the Nightly Business Report because no matter what, it was uplifting. The above is money taken away from Federal government and delivered to these high state/local taxing communities that just tax more and more for their spending. A regular viewer of the show for more than 30 years, please bring it back. Dont get it. We will have to try to locate financial programming elsewhere (we rarely missed NBR) but will miss Sue, Bill and all those whove contributed over the years. DrCR. Please bring the show back! This is a grave disservice, and against the public interest. Have they no understanding of their roll in educating the public about the daily state of the economy and the markets? They also did not leave this earth poor because they learned so much. My first go to program daily. It was simply too good and important to just go away. I have watched and recorded these programs nightly since 1980. We really depend on it for its extremely clear, concise and accurate information. Maybe just Maybe it gave out to much real information to us the general public. Only way we keep this going is for enough of us to pool our money and buy it back. Its a shame US government had turned its eyes away from these behemoths. I have been a fan ever since I can remember. So sad.this was such an asset to the middle class investor who gets no information. here in the u.s., some hopeful signs for the weak job market. This is really not a good decision! It provided a consolidated view of daily business events. And it was so nice to close with the proverbial goodbye from Paul Kangas. Hope a good replacement comes soon. So many people love and watch this show I cant believe that CNBC would cancel such a great and useful show. Without all the information Im left to conclude: if you couldnt make this work good luck with your other programs. productions for PBS, is discussing VERY SHORTSIGHTED WITH NO LOGICAL EXPLANATION. I truly enjoyed watching and learning about the economy. NBRhas been an important resource for audiences and we have been proud of its many accomplishments and continual praise, APT President Cynthia Fenneman said in a statement issued upon the shows demise. I shall be reflecting on this betrayal next fund raising crusade. and now you screwed us . Completely agree. I watched the last show tonight and had to replay Bills closing statement, didnt realize it was going away and that was the last show.. I will really miss this show. Yes, PBS is not the only player in the public television space. Thanks I hope it comes back in a similar format. I sure hope it finds a new home and continues. I have never been so devastated by a TV programs cancellation. It's is comforting as this piece of dental equipment is used nightly.You get three packs with 30 tabs for 11.77, using daily this is a three month supply. It is the best recap after working day to come home and see all important business news in 30 minutes without commercials. In my mind NBR was PBSs best program. I am deeply disappointed by CNBCs decision. So many news shows have proven to hold bias for political and other reasons. How sad. I believe the reason for the cancellation is that NBR is a competitor to cable (CNBC, Comcast). Such a valuable and respected program. National Business Report was by far my favorite TV show, period! PBS participated in that; and they have been remarkably quiet since. One of the more interesting shows -also a show thats not repeated ten thousand times like many of the other shows on PBS. I depended on this show each day, and really I am speechless. An interview with Treasury Secretary Donald Reagan gave the U.S. view of what the summit meant; interviews with an official of Manufacturers Hanover and with a correspondent for 'Le Monde' gave alternative interpretations. Dont count on me to support PBS or watch CNBC in the future. Makers of Compaq Non-Stop E-Business solutions. Other business news shows/channels are overloaded with details which feel like spams. It was main show I even watch TV for. I have not seen any other program that could approach it. Have watched for years. APT fully funded it. This is such a terrible loss. Sorry it is ending. I HAVE WATCHED FOR A LONG TIME. Have been tuning in for over 20 years. All the cnbc newscasts with all the fluff n buff, bickering arguing and talking over each other are bullshit and will never measure up to what this program was. Especially young people who have no other way of learning about money as well as how the global economy works and what investments can do for you over a lifetime. No. Very poor CNBC judgement. It is tragic to see the end of this very good, unbiased, highly informative business news journal in all its formats. However, your hatred is blinding you to understanding the 2018 tax changes. NBR was vital but the CNBC version never lived up to the Kangas-OBrien-Gharib standard. APT funded the production, but it never was meant to be a profit making enterprise. Heres wishing that CNBC would come to their senses and return NBR to the air! My best to Bill and Sue. Please endeavor to find a comparable replacement. Bring it back, please. But kudos to Bill Griffith and Sue Herrera well done. Wow! Have no doubt the profit motive of CNBC and its parent company Comcast is what determined a program of such high integrity and worth to reach this fate. you ever take it off. I learn a lot. Get another job. Losing NBR seems to go hand in hand with the demise of the local newspaper. Perhaps the benefit of reaching a PBS audience was not worth the cost to some nameless executive(s) somewhere. Sensationalism sells, the almighty dollar rules. what is the alternative? A cursory review of NBR history reveals staff cuts and layoffs after every sale of NBR. Better yet, nationalize Comcast so that it will serve the public interest instead of the almighty dollar. private employers added 176,000 new workers to their payrolls in june, stronger than the previous month. It was educational and presented in a clear way that all ages could glean from. Idiot decision made by Neanderthal tv execs. Why, because the PBS Newshour reports the facts on this unhinged, authoritarian fascist in the White House? I am going to tell all my friends to boycott NBC and Comcast for internet service. They are dumping NBR because the show is free and was not getting advertisement break dollars or paid subscriptions. This was a quality show with excellent journalists. A great loss to PBS. Were in late-stage capitalism, it eats itself from the inside out. Sorry to see this program leave the air. What the show will look like, and who will helm its microphones and stock tickers, remains unknown. Great show!!! Please bring this program back, or start a new show based on the same principles. As contributors to public programming this is a great disappointment. No notice nothing!! Nightly Business New Report in cooperation with Bloomberg New? Unfortunately, we NBR watchers/investors will need to review markets on our own now or succumb to hyped up and paid for cable shows like Mad/Fast Money or Squawking. Our partner in development is Gavin Bridge, Gavin's career started far away from the world of audiology spending 25 years working on Wall Street in finance and banking in the USA. damn i really liked watching yt nbr. But I note, sometimes with annoyance, that it is accompanied by commercials for trucks, gorilla glue , kitchen fixtures and even the This Old House magazine.Why couldnt we have The Nightly Business Report accompanied by similar commercials for banks, investment firms, insurance companies and other financially related institutions. Sue Herrera was a class act. As far as the tax savings being passed on to workers so they would have more disposable income to donateHa Ha Ha. Great to see how we all generally see this issue in the same way. I would gladly be a contributor if NBR or Wall Ask any non-profit and see how their current income compairs to when theTrump Tax Plan took effect. And the guest comentaries helped me to pick new stoks to add to my watch list, many of which have done well. I was beyond shocked tonight as I watched NBR announce the ending of its shows. I really hope that Nightly Business Report will be brought back after such a public outcry. period, according to a station spokesperson. Just reliable unbiased business and market news with some excellent guests. While I didnt much watch it in recent years, Bill Griffeth and Sue Herrera always went down easy. what a shame, my dad watched this show, i watched the show. The only show on TV that doesnt have a slanted political agenda! Ive watched NBR every day for the past 2-years after an older colleague told me about it. doesnt make any sense to shutdown such a quality program. Thank you so much for the link. This was high quality unbiased reporting. I think it is a terrible loss for PBS. And is made possible by. And are really disappointed to see that it has been discontinued. Damn PBS!!!! Incredible they were unable to monetize a program with affluent viewership. I will pay for this. This is a problem with companies like CNBC who LOVES MONEY and doesnt care about public service. They say that there are other resources to receive this type of news, sure, at CNBC Tragic news! I will miss this program VERY much. Sad. Surely somehow Nbr will be brought back to its thousands of viewers. So, with fina I am stunned, baffled and confused. I tried watching Bloomberg business new tonight, but its focused on Asian markets in the late afternoon. This music was used on "Nightly Business Report" from November 18, 2002 until January 1, 2010, when Paul Kangas wished everyone "the best of good buys" for . It was more informative than watching the evening news. We were hoping it would be around to help teach her younger children. I am truly sad. Even when not at home we always taped this. well done and i could watch whenever. Is there a comparable replacement? No warning whatsoever. How is it a CNBC decision? But it also educated me about parts of the economy I wasnt familiar with like housing and its effects on todays economy in simple, straightforward way that I as a layperson could understand. (2012) New. The extra guest fee covers the use of the secondary bedroom that has 2 twin beds. This program and their hosts will be very missed. Nightly Business Report rises above the noise of the marketplace with objective and insightful analysis of the top business, investment, and economic news of the day. 17 Nightly Business Report October 19, 1987 Funding Credits. It is difficult to identify and build up, much less to convince accounting types to include in their sacrosanct financial statements. An excellent show with in depth coverage of the financial trends. So many of these changes feel like mistakes. CNBC/Comcast doesnt want the competition with its other business programming. This was a total shock to me!! There are so many places to get Totally non-partial. There was no agenda. Sorry to see it go and feel sorry for Sue, Paul and all the rest. I guess quality no longer sells. The information was presented in a coherent and non biased manner which is rare for Fox or CNBC. E mail: Please do not shutdown it down, maybe Ads can help your business. Watch Nightly Business Report videos on demand. My best to those that contributed to this program for so many years. I am at a loss, shaken, and disappointed. Bonehead decision to drop the popular Nightly Business Report. Can somebody in the broadcast world pick this up for all to see.hellooooo! But for this couple half of our PBS viewing was me watching this show while on the treadmill. Anyone out there have any recommendations? Most mega-corporations these days dont know the meaning of goodwill. We were just sorry to hear they made that decision, said an APT spokesperson. The US is entering a period of class warfare pure and simple. I hope NBC/ Comcast will.reconsider their decision. Bert Roberts on Nightly Business Report, 1993 December 30, 2000-239-IV.-B.-93-2-11-3-1, Box: 103. NBR you will truly be missed.. It is the ONLY SOURCE of my investing literacy. That ends today. I started watching a year ago as novice business and stock market layperson. Agree. It is the biggest reason I finally decided to enter the stock market. After the National News I guess Ill go to the Weather Channel next. Oh so sad to learn of this, like others I regularly watched and enjoyed this informative show, hoping the stations will reconsider and somehow bring it back! Thanks for that. Our case is with the PBS executives that played us for fools. Nightly Business Report, televisions longest-running business news broadcast, will cease production after Dec. 27. You are all sorely missed. 13 Nightly Business Report January 6, 1986 Funding Credits. Lets get real. Good luck to the people who care about financial well beings and understand social connection with economic picture. All the major brokerages capitalized on the 401k tax code. I am really disappointed . what a loss! Michael C. Terrible decision PBS and NBC. But would they extend their regular program until 7. However, do we know if this is an effective manner to express our views? My husband and I have watched this program from its start and have trusted the reporting on the show. Now go join the buffoonery squad that thrives on public ignorance and believes the pathological lies of an illegitimate POTUS. How about focusing on what is important about women, which is everything except their looks. I went to look for it tonight ready to start my New Year (I was away this past week). She didnt even understand what I was asking. NBR produced by CNBC will be greatly missed. What are you planning to bring on in its place as far as economic education is concerned? It really was one of a kind, Feinberg said. agree. What a Colossal Mistake! I will miss NBR. CNBC, w The installer can be downloaded from So many (I bet millions) watch this wonderful, informative, objective, well-balanced program. What a terrible Christmas present, like losing a trusted friend. The person in charge at Comcast (who probably made the decision to drop NBR) is Brian L. Roberts. I am shocked that this amazing and informative show was discontinued. It succinctly states not only what is going on now but also gives insight into future trends from the financial experts and advisors. In this day and age, NBR was a necessity which I was shocked to learn will be discontinued. It saddens me that this program is over. My husband and I watch the Nightly Business report every night. I have watched the show for many years and found it extremely informative and Sue and Bill are great. I am very active in stock market and will miss this program as a great source for stock market information. What?? In 2017 there were 46.5 of 150 million tax filing households that itemized. Ive been watching it for decades. We learned so much from watching the program. Are any decision makers noticing? Andlike everyone else is stating there is so much junk TV, and they do away with excellent TV Why? Watched nightly for years. Compilation | 4 of 5 | 2003012int-4-arch From Walter J. NBR was a good summary each day of newsworthy events together with some great insights into the market. I dont know where else to find such quality, unbiased information about finances and sensible investing. What a loss this leaves a big gap. Sue, Bill, plus the whole team and collaborators of NBR where consistently and professionally delivering their precious thoughts to non-professional viewers like us, helping to devise our way forward. said. Eastern for the blue collar, Hum And feel ok about posting it? DONT make it more difficult by getting rid of NBR. What a poor decision! Rug pulled out from under me. She barely knew what she was reading, and she looked awful some nights. At real disgrace for CNBC. What a shame. When I could not watch, I would listen to the podcast. Hope they reconsider its cancellation. Feinberg left NBR in 2011 after new owners bought the show and laid off half of the staff. Seems like was a slippery slope since PTV cut funding by necessity some years ago and staff cuts happened. Just last year, APT awarded the series with its Program Excellence Award, she added, congratulatingNBRand presenting station WETA for their delivery of credible, well-produced, unbiased information to help business executives, financial professionals and the general public manage their business or personal finances. Informative, objective, well-balanced program everyone else is stating there is so.. Reading, and bureau closings that this program up it is the most educational impartial! Instead of the more interesting shows -also a show thats not repeated ten thousand like... Losing NBR seems to go for my daily, no bias, investment news, suggestions????! 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