That day is still only yesterday and it was 57 years ago. Our pastor, Rev Aaron L Powers was there helping parents find their children. This is so weird, I just happened to be thinking of that air plane crash tonite and I thought Id look up to see if there was anything about it on the internet and boom, Russell Buchanan name popped up, I do believe we were good friends at age 5, I may even have a pic of you and I playing together, Ill look later and send sometime. Sometimes people there go from one video to another suggestion, and that will help reach out to many people who were not even searching it up in the first place. I dont know if this is accurate, but it was what I was told at the time. Thanks again . On January 31, 1957, a Douglas DC-7B operated by Douglas Aircraft Company was involved in a mid-air collision with a United States Air Force Northrop F-89 Scorpion and crashed into the schoolyard of Pacoima Junior High School located in Pacoima, a suburban area in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California. An interesting bit of info regarding the parachuting radioman from the fighter jet: the heat in his cockpit was so intense that sparks ignited a few spots on his parachute. By the way, Im not sure how your comment wound up appearing as if it came from me, but Ill look into it. I havent heard about any reunion in the offing but its a good idea. I developed the Orange County Mass Casualty Plan as my class project. Say goodbye to everybody were going in. The navigator of the F-89 had parachuted safely to the ground immediately after his jets near head-on collision with the larger aircraft. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 I have a vague recollection, though, of shiny metallic shards falling from the sky. My physical injuries were minor, my clothes and jacket kept me from getting burned by the hot oil. The only crew member of either plane to survive was Curtis Adams, radarman of the military fighter jet. The accident was a few years before I was born, but my mother recalls him as well as the life changing accident. Her name was Joyce. Most Fire and Police Departments, and EMS agencies have adopted post incident stress debriefing or counseling programs (late 1970s). Thanks for the post/tape. My only memory of this event was my parents speaking in hushed tones after reading/hearing a news report. I am a man now, not a kid. And Larry Bakken. There are few things I can imagine that would be more frightening than a large, breaking-apart airplane hurtling toward me. Even at the tender age of six, a kid knows when an object that big falls out of the sky, something is very wrong. Who knows, I may have completely repressed those memories. Fascinating and, considering the effect her unresolved feelings might have had on her daughter, very sad. I havent seen it in years. I remember being stunned at the quality of the recording and knowing the precise time stamp of the actual was surreal. In 1957 a mid air collision over Pacoima Junior High killed 5 crew members, 3 children and injured 78. My cousin, Chris Carr, forwarded an article about the 50-year reunion at PJHI would have loved to attended! Link to the other page By now there seemed to be hundreds of people in the crash area. Kris, If there is anything I can help you with, let me know. Ah, the Internet! There was a large flash and suddenly we heard the blast. Marilyn Richards. Send me an email address and Ill try to send the mp3 I made as an attachment. They wrote about seeing a classmate bathed in smoking oil with his shredded jacket hanging off him. We heard the noise going over us, in the direction of the Junior High. I looked up toward my right and saw a big airplane (I was in the second grade, about 7 years old) on fire. Then, the thought came to me that these guys had something to do with the crash. I was a seventh grader who had gym that period. And then one of the guys pointed to the northeast and we caught sight of the F89 going down at probably a 45 degree angle and appeared to crash into the foothills(I think I heard later that it ended up in the La Tuna Canyon area). The History Guy remembers a mid-air collision between two planes flying test flights over a California city and its connection to Ritchie Valens.This is original content based on research by The History Guy. No images or content are primarily intended to shock and disgust. I can only imagine the terror and bewilderment you and your classmates must have experienced in those moments. I do remember seeing shiny pieces of metal falling from the sky, though. You can find the story at: I found this blog while Google searching for information about that crash. The fates were definitely with you and Pam. I am also very very happy that the interest for the story have been widespread, because i feel its only these childrens right to be remembered atleast since they passed away so early. God bless you and all those who visit here. My job was to help families deal with severe emotional and behavioral issues that were keeping them in the cycle of poverty, substance abuse, crime, etc. It was loud enough (even though we were a few miles away) that we at first felt we were vulnerable. Mary Jo (and Kathy) Losso. He was in the 7th grade, but not on the gym field. Russell- [citation needed], The 1957 crash was discussed on the May 19, 1957, episode of The CBS Radio Workshop (entitled "Heaven Is In the Sky"). For the most part, it seems the recording and the comments from witnesses/survivors have had a beneficial effect on those touched by that day. I wonder what ever happened to Roy Reasoner? Hello, Pamela when the schools power goes out and the recording winds to a stop. How do you know youre having a horrible experience? I now know. I have accrued over 2500 hours of flight and still an active civilian pilot. I was chatting with a man I met in the waiting room at Holy Cross Surgery Center today. I remember looking up and the sky being filled with what appeared to be confetti, debree from the crash. I remember where the drafting area was situated at Pacoima you and your classmates were darned close to the field. AS WE WERE RELEASED TO GO HOME THE SIGHT WILL NEVER LEAVE MY MY MIND. Poly High was my next stop, where I managed to stay until graduation. His friend, Richard Berger, was not as lucky and got severe burns over much of his back and legs. Yeah, I liked Pacoima too a true melting pot, and we all got along pretty darned well, cholas, cholos and paddies, alike. Debris on the Pacoima Junior High School Athletic Field. The most vivid memory I have of that day was of my moms worry (her husband and daughter were at Pacoima JH that day). By then, I was really hanging on to the fence. The one thing I recall of that day (I was five) was the thousand pieces of metal, as you put it, falling out of the sky. RB, Russ, thanks for sharing. Thanks for this historic artifact. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. He and his family were members of the Pacoima Congregational Church. Man, those would be difficult images to shake as a kid or as an adult, for that matter. I still remember seeing a great deal of plane parts scattered across the gym field. IIt was making a screaming noise and then I heard a crash. As fate was with us, it probably would have decapitated several of us. Hopefully, we can wring something positive out of a terrible tragedy. I was born in 52 and started at Beachy when I was six. I was nine years old and a student at Terra Bella elementary school that day. Thanks again, Sheryl. On January 31, 1957, the DC-7B, earmarked for delivery to Continental Airlines, took off from the Santa Monica Airport at 10:15 AM on its first functional test flight with a crew of four Douglas personnel aboard. Thanks for your terrific account of that day moment, really. Also just recently read from another site that indeed coach Vardanien was there to help the wounded and later would be my PE teacher at Poly and a track coach at Poly. Will never forget the impact. As we ran outside I could see the carnage from the crash, some bodies and pieces of plane laying everywhere. One more way the Buchanan family was connected to that grisly day. Have you considered posting somewhere permanent or giving the recording to the Smithsonian? I think you have my email address Ill check. I was 14 and will never forget it. Then again, I was only five so everything probably sounded unusual. With the help of other Paramedics, Nurses, Physicians, Fire Chiefs, private ambulance companies, and other Orange County Agencies, the plan is in place and several Mass Casualty Drills are put on every year. When its published, I will upload the crash audio and maybe snippets of interviews and slide show to YT. I wanted to reply to Evans cousin. I would like to know why, as I said nothing derogatory in any way. Evans mom, Irene Johnson Meddy Elsner was my grandma Ruth Johnson Launs cousin .. Later, there was some kind of dedication ceremony that my grandparents flew out to from Chicago. Kris. In 1957, we were at the height of our nuclear war prep, with drop-and-cover drills regularly held for students. There is the webpage, and i think it would be so great if the audio recording was put in there too. I was never sure if that was true or if it was just dads way of getting me to quit the band I was in at the time. Well, this plane crash was horrendous, I will never forget it, I remember parts of the plane landing in our backyard, I think I was walking home from Beachy Avenue Elementary School when it happened, about 2 blocks away at around 11 a.m. or so. just let me know. I was trying to imagine seeing what you saw at the tender age of a fourth grader. No sign of the crash, such as debris or bodies, was ever found. I cant tell you how much this website has affected me. Many years after the Pacoima air crash (late 1960s), schools began implementing counseling programs for traumatized students. The teacher yelled for everyone to huddle together in the middle of the classroom. Related to the 1957 crash, I was 5 years old and playing on my parents front porch. I was in class, a distance from the ball fields, but we saw the flash and thought it was a bomb. I would like to talk with anyone who has memories of the crash because I dont. I have been in Oregon since 85 but would have loved to know about the memorial..I think Linda and the rest of us were in a daze the day we graduated.She was really pestered by reportors..It was a horrible day and one I will never forget. Arleta/Pacoima will ALWAYS be my home. Several of us fell as we were instructed to run to the covered lunch area. I remember Mr. Marto was a pretty cool teacher for the most part. Then my family went to Europe for a year and a half. Calvin Trillin The post Democracy in Tennessee appeared first on The Nation. I looked at the newspaper page showing the pictures of those of us who were injured and saw mine and his. If it not had been for the change of schedule that day due to the grad rehearsal I would have been on that gym field as well as many more students. You were only a year older than I (I hadnt yet started at Beachy), but you have a much clearer and more disturbing picture of that day. Even people who lived a considerable distance away some who only read about it in the paper were profoundly affected. Recently, I added the story of the Pacoima Junior High School plane crash, and profiled the eight people who were killed, using newspaper archives and websites like yours to tell their stories. It was my understanding that they were holding a graduation rehearsal in front of B-9 students. . And yes, please, feel free to include the link. You are keeping the people who passed away alive on this site, you are keeping the memories of them alive, so they will never be forgotten. Moment later a student barged into the room to tell of the crash and the pilot para hooting. I was injured and was told I was awake and running before I was hit but cant remember anything. For the first time, the woman she helped, Ania, tells the story of her desperate quest to end her pregnancy. Embarrassingly enough, Ive never really thought about its continuation as a free, public-accessible document after Ive shuffled into the Great Beyond, or at least failed to maintain my account here for some other, less dramatic reason. If you have a brother named Johnny then I think we were neighbors. Thanks for this site and the memories. That September, the brand new Liggett St. During the next few days after, the.pieces of metal that fell in our yards, was picked up by people in uniforms. Stubborn bastard haha. Dolores Smith Pope. It was more information than I had ever heard about. I suppose he planned to use the tape to help critique the performances in preparation for the coming real graduation for the parents. I went on to read many of your wonderfully insightful articles. 1957 Pacoima California Mid-Air Collision The History Guy remembers a mid-air collision between two planes flying test flights over a California city and its connection to Ritchie Valens. Your assessment of the situation at the school directly after the crash is chilling and sad. She told him she didnt know where I was. When played back at normal speed, it will sound Chipmunked. The recording I posted is an exact copy of the original, although I did EQ it to bring out the voice and reduce tape noise. On January 31, 1957, a Douglas DC-7B collided with a United States Air Force Northrop F-89 Scorpion. We lived down the stree and my mother had 4 of us in different schools, ,it was o ly when officials let us go home that my mother knew what happened.just wanted to share tbis. To be honest i know it might be a burden for you but at the same time it will spread the knowledge about this plane crash even more. This does make me feel pretty darned good and proud of my Pacoima pages. We walked to what would later become my junior high school accompanied by our next door neighbor Jan Soderman. The heat from the 100 foot tall flames to my right were hotter than the oil I was laying in. He was actually a good natured kid that was singled out for abuse. My husband was there that day and suffered burns and shrapnal (sp?) Ive been amazed at the responses to this post and how many commenters who saw or heard the plane come down but were not directly harmed by the crash were nonetheless deeply affected, in one way or other, for their entire lives. To be honest even after sheeding tears i still cant stop whenever i think about these kids. [1][2][3] Contents 1Accident Even though it was many years ago and I was very young, my memory is so vivid it takes people by surprise. Such a sad day for so many! I cannot tell you how the events of that day and this recording have stayed with me all these days. The post Can Elly Schlein Pull Italy to the Left? A perimeter was established, and we all stood outside the barriers, for several hours, watching ambulances and police and news trucks come and go. appeared first on The Nation. Unfortunately, I havent a clue what the answer is. If anyone knows, please write. The post What Happened in Tennessee Proves That We Need a Third Reconstruction appeared first on The Nation. It still looks pretty darned good. I listened to the recording of the DC-7B comming down. I was in the Auditorium as a B 9th grade student. Ah, the good old days. When I left that day, I searched for information on such an event and found the reports of the midair collision that led to this story. He said something about getting back to the Base because he hadnt checked out. Hundreds of mothers in the neighborhood were also running toward the school, all of them screaming as we all descended on the horrible sight. (sp) Street? I hope you will consider my idea. I assume youre referring to Mark Maseks Stories Behind the Stones. It was cold that day and we had not changed into our gym clothes. After just watching The Ritchie Valens movie again, I binged this site. We used to stay with them when we would come down to visit Disneyland. As a young childno. Against the sound of 800 frightened students and a distant fire bell, an unintelligible announcement is made on the P.A. If you mean Pacoima Junior, I saw it a few years ago and it still looks like the fine learning institution we knew. Hi, my name is Shirley Kathryne Johnson Binkley.. I do remember Brian OConnell and think I could find him some of the class pictures from Beachy. On that day, two planes collided in mid-air, crashing to the ground in the school yard of Pacoima Junior High. He had been a radio announcer before becoming a teacher, so you can imagine how many tapes there were. Another living witness. Karen Bakken. My classroom rocked violently back and forth from the impact. Russ: I just read David Clevengers note about the crash. The loss of life could have been so much worse. There was a tree planted to honor each of the boys that were killed. Regarding Ritchie Valens friend: there seems to be some dispute as to whether one of the victims was Valens best friend. I then went to Mary Immaculate at Laurel Canyon and Van Nuys Blvd 9/1957 for 2nd grade as it just opened. Jul 6, 2018 | Lance Geiger, Show More Support The History Guy If you love history, this is the channel to support! Well drawn memories like yours add dimension to the story and help to give those of us who werent there a better idea of the situation, awful as it was. Many found it very disturbing, which was good because they then had to go to work just like in real life. Did the recorded sound of the plane going down sound similar to the sound you remember hearing? I just checked it on my iPad and it played fine. well the show did an episode covering the collision between a f-4b of the usmc and hughes airwest 706 a dc-9 in 1971 and from the animation it must have horrible as the dc-9 come down like a falling leaf till impact with mount bliss, i honestly wonder to myself if we take how safe flying is today for granted cause an accident like this has becoming very rare nowadays with tcas and improved radars. Meanwhile, in Palmdale to the north . appeared first on The Nation. I dont know if there were problems with the medical response, but I do know that valley residents demanded that test flights cease over the Valley and they did. Johnny and I were friends and I remember having dinner with your family. Hi Russ.who knows? I was not hurt. Thanks, Russ, for sharing all of this amazing material. As I was running, I saw the kids trying to climb the fence, the fires, the screaming, and some of the injured. Days later we were allowed back into class because a large piece of metal flew through and embedded in to the wall. Even though I never met Evan, I grew up hearing about what happened. Debris was also strewn across the grounds of Terra Bella Elementary School, adjacent to the junior high, and Pacoima Congregational Church, next door to the school. Archie Raymond Twitchell (November 28, 1906 - January 31, 1957) was a pilot for over three decades between the 1920s and the 1950s. In this age of snark and quick (but rarely quick-witted) online posts, your blog is a gem. Matt Davies Again. As for the students, I remember Craig Bentley, Suzanne Maltz (vaguely rings a bell), Dennis Liff and Jim Roubal. Here are 22 essential L.A. spots for every tourist, Column: We cant afford another writers strike. We learned that we both grew up in the Valley. (we might even have been in the same kindergarten class Mrs. Aldridge was the teachers name. office waitingfor permission to retrieve the jacket she had forgotten on the athletic field when the DC-7 came down on the field. right across from the faculty driveway. That so many of the witnesses were kids, with limited life experience to draw from or compare to, probably made the tragedy all the more affecting. We were taught to shield our eyes from the blast (as if wed have enough time), then the blast then the concussion and we would be safe under our plywood desks if we dropped-and-covered quickly and properly. I had been on my brand new Schwinn bicycle, riding on the sidewalk on Stanford Avenue across the street from my house on Sunburst Avenue. And when I got out my parents had moved us to Palmdale. [1] [2] [3] Accident [ edit] It includes important response assets such as Hospital Emergency Response Teams (HERT), Emergency Medical Cashes, hospital communication methods (to help avoid moving the disaster from the scene to nearby hospitals that are already overwhelmed). Ah, the good old days. The system integrates with Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) teams, Hazardous Materials (HazMat) teams, High rise firefighting operations, law enforcement operations, and any other operations that may be occurring at the same time. Would like to talk with anyone who has memories of the F-89 had safely. And Police Departments, and EMS agencies have adopted post incident stress or. 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