Once per game, when the bearer is chosen as the target of a ranged attack, you can immediately redeploy them anywhere on the battlefield more than 9 from the enemy, and if theyre no longer a legal target the opponent has to re-target their attacks. If you go first and the opponent is mostly hidden you can bank lots of points on it right out the gate, you can build up something on it just by scoring home objectives, and you can rack up points on it quickly in the late game if you do nothing for this till turn four you can still get 12. The usual boilerplate about Vehicles not being able to take relics is conspicuously absent, and there are no keyword restrictions on this, so now when your opponent points their lascannons at your GMDK it can teleport straight behind a mid-table wall, and woe betide them if they throw some incidental shots at him at the end of the phase. It notably punishes opponents using Scout Deploy units, which are very popular right now, and is an especially good pick in matchups where theyre liable to feed you something. 103 Elite Grey Knights stand against the Daemon Primarch and some of his Khornate mates , only 13 survive. Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. Grey Knights don't rely as much on their Tides as they did in the previous version. These are yet another unit that gains baseline Teleport Strike, and incinerators now have 12 range, so thats another possible angle for using them. be a worthwhile, cool and impactful effect, and its a tremendous missed opportunity that this very conservative option was taken. Its reasonably costly at 2CP, but opening up +1 to hit for everything targeting a specific unit as well as +1 to wound for the vehicles lets you pull off a hell of a gank with ranged firepower, especially when you throw Empyric Amplification into the mix. Whether Grey Knights can justify investing the price of most of a Strike Squad in a guy thats just good at killing things is an open question, but the statline is reasonably aggressive for the cost so he might see some use, which will be a relief for people eyeing up his cool new model. overall, but honestly even if youre already running Wardmakers he isnt mandatory. Well thats where the stratagem comes in Marked for Death, which lets you pick an enemy unit near to one of your Psykers and give all Swordbearer units (not even just vehicles) +1 to hit against it with their ranged attacks. Your largest adult son can enjoy one turn of the old-style 3++, which is extremely cool. You pick a visible enemy within 12, and then all attacks made against it with Nemesis and Psi weapons are at +1D until your next psychic phase. That plus a few of the utility things ensures theres plenty to work with here. has been toned down a bit in exchange for being more reliable into the primary target the splash is only for 1MW, but the targeted unit just straight up takes 2d3 mortals whatever you cast it on, which is decent. Its now +1 to Advance and Charge rolls for the Warlord, and if theyre in Engagement Range of an enemy unit any of your other units that charge that unit also get +1. has gotten lost in the warp, so if you want to farm CP this is now your main option, and because Psychic Actions dont mess with your auras like regular ones this could be a strong pick on something like an Apothecary or Chaplain. Conveniently this was the third power shown off by WarCom, a kind of gimmick smite which you apply to a unit and which causes it to potentially take mortal wounds if it moves or charges. a bit of a miss. This rules, and it combines a lot of elements of good secondaries. Hell yeaahhhhh. On turn two, you can dump two more Dreadknights, Draigo and the rest of the infantry onto the table and go hog wild. Quite a few 9th books have forced some significant recalibrations of how armies fit together and this one is no exception, so well see how things shake out once armies get put on the table. These arent as deep as the subfactions in some armies, but the additional powers are free real estate, and there are three Brotherhoods where the combination of tools really stands out. ), access to the. expensive and can no longer load up on damage reduction or 3+ invulnerable saves in melee, with no more wounds on their profile than a regular Terminator. Very much a metagame call, but if Sororitas, the Thousand Sons or mirror matches become a big deal it can help tilt things in your favour. Its probably a bit niche to see routine play with the timing it has, but also very open to players finding some sort of nonsense angle on it. Compare the army-wide bonuses Grey Knights get +1 to deny and a 5+++ against Mortal Wounds, both niche defensive abilities that are only relevant some of the time, and dont really do anything to proactively determine your strategy. First up, lets cover the standard stuff Grey Knights get the routine 9th Edition extra Relic/Warlord trait options, and join the Space Marine supplements in being able to take a second trait on your actual Warlord, which has some plausible uses. Rather than replacing Sterns Smite, this now just deals a MW to all nearby Daemon units every time he manifests a power. 4. When you factor in Grey Knights that come with 2 attacks base, then the halberd granting +1S on both attacks trims the advantage of the falchions over the halberds somewhat, and expands the advantage of the halberds over the swords. I do also find it amusing that a Stormraven Gunship looks genuinely close to valid in this army. Since we published the 2020 edition of the Munitorum Field Manual we have released several 9th edition codexes One If you love using a Land Raider or Stormraven with your Grey Knights, access to a 4++ makes them considerably more impactful, and the fact that this gets applied in the Psychic phase and not the Command Phase means you can also use it after either bringing the bearer in from Deep Strike, or more likely the vehicle from Strategic Reserves. New and exciting is Empyric Amplification (WC7), which is your power for absolutely dunking someone you dont like. Youve also got two Rhinos, which can either have all the Strikes or two Strike Squads and the Purifiers. Most of the Infantry units also have the Combat Squads ability. Angron. It wouldnt have taken that much to provide a bit more support for combo play an easy option would have been to allow the Librarian to cast Sanctic powers on friendly units rather than just themselves if they chose to take them. Another strong psychic power that was previewed on WarCom here, and some neat utility tricks to back it up. You want to hit hard, hit fast and leave no witnesses. Compare the army-wide bonuses Grey Knights get +1 to deny and a 5+++ against Mortal Wounds, both niche defensive abilities that are only relevant some of the time, and dont really do anything to proactively determine your strategy. Its maybe not the strongest list out there, falling off after two near-mandatory picks, but having super. It grants the warlord access to a new Psychic Action that allows them to apply a 4+ invulnerable save to a friendly vehicle. It now just grants a flat 4++, which is. In an army thats going to be all over the table, being able to just trivially switch on re-rolls when you need them is phenomenal, and while the Swordbearers are, the Dreadknight Brotherhood, if you want a second GMDK this is a stupendous trick for them to have access to. Introduction nosed ahead with the best single Secondary in this pair of books, and a better rounded selection overall, but Ritual is definitely still good and will help the faction a bunch. Servant of the Throne (20pts) is much more hero-hammer focused and allows the bearer to, once per game, activate a 3+ Invulnerable Save for a phase when they are chosen as the target of the attack and yes reader you can put it on a GMDK. Well thats where the stratagem comes in , , which lets you pick an enemy unit near to one of your Psykers and give all Swordbearer units (not even just vehicles) +1 to hit against it with their ranged attacks. most of the time in a way that none of the other Warpcraft secondaries do, especially in a book that can go very wide on psychic-capable units, and having an always on option in that category is a gigantic boon to Grey Knights. Sadly, Psybolt Ammunition no longer makes bolt weapons count as Psi. 40 mi. Crusade rules, including the ability to create and hunt a custom Daemonic Nemesis. Grey Knights vs Necrons Warhammer 40K Battle Report 9th Edition 2000pts S10EP45 KINGS AND GENERALS! Other units also get some specific tricks here Purgation squads get a very welcome strat for +1 to wound at half range, Brother Captains get an extremely useful ability to provide a +1 to cast aura with. If youre still going to try to make Paladins work, you. As in other miniature wargames, players enact battles using miniature models of warriors and fighting vehicles. Contents Pros and Cons Tactica Primer While these stand out, the other five Brotherhoods definitely arent useless, all having at least some interest to them. offers an alternative way around higher toughness by making your attacks with Nemesis weapons auto-wound on a 6 to hit. The biggest standout is Unyielding Anvil, which is Rites of War but better not only does it provide an aura of ObSec for CORE and CHARACTER models, it also makes any models that already had ObSec count double when working out who controls an objective. up before getting stuck in (and you may well want to, it slaps), they can. After both players have deployed this allows you to redeploy three CORE units, or pull them into strategic reserves for free. Hes now only a 2-cast Psyker, which is the main blow against him, and while he keeps his powerful unique melee weapon and gains the same master-crafted storm bolter as Draigo, hes probably not where you want to put your points. The Need to Know was something I was hugely excited about when I started reading, then flopped with a sad trombone noise halfway through. : Light Cover when youre >12 away from the enemy, and Dense Cover instead if you had Light already. In practice, you shouldnt do that they really needed an ability to allow them to target Sanctic powers on other units rather than having to self cast to make this worthwhile. Like the Grandmaster variant, basic Dreadknights rule theyre slightly down in price, have access to the same improved wargear as the Grand Masters, and crucially have been upgraded with both the CORE keyword and a baseline 4+ invulnerable save from Force Shielding. to drop a 4+ invulnerable save on them and ways to boost their output despite them not having CORE, they end up way closer to viable than in most places. Paris le-de-France CCI is a source of proposals, informs debates on key issues and plays an active role in the growth of local companies and the economy in its territory. Nemesis warding staves no longer give a melee invulnerable save, but if a unit contains, you can now throw up a 5+ invulnerable save (or 4+ for Terminators) against shooting with. What if you wanted the hit rolls to be boosted as well though? Mortal wounds are already popular in the metagame and likely about to become more so, and with your models all being highly valuable defences against them are very valuable. Grey Knights still only have one Fast Attack option, but its a good one Interceptors are very strong. have powerful guns and can synergise with their suite of abilities, so these might occasionally be worth a look with multi-meltas. These are defined in the codex for claritys sake, though its pretty obvious which are which. Powers: Empyric Amplification, Gate of Infinity, Librarian, sword 105 Still great. This should be a lock on turns two and three and youve got ways to reach for it in other turns, so might be worth it in some games. . Its worth noting here that this only applies to the regular ones the Venerable Dreadnoughts are Honoured Knights, and therefore cant benefit. They also only get one cast now, though they still know two Dominus powers, further incentivising the other options. They are a purified order, incorruptible and possessed of iron There are some cool new options to replace them, and the baseline quality of some models has gone up a lot, but if you played the Grey Knights heavily in the glorious window between Ritual of the Damned and the pandemic starting, you should probably steel yourself for some disappointments as you go through this book for the first time. When the Grey Knights go to war, the psychic might of each Grey Knight is brought to bear, powering their bespoke weapons and armour. is now more strictly upside, so this can be a nice additional bump for picking this Brotherhood. This army rewards players who want a relatively small force with the ability to launch devastating alpha strikes, and one that rewards careful positioning and judicious force allocation. This ability gives you access to five different Tides of the Warp that provide a bonus for every Psyker in your army. They also get the ability to hand one of a sub-set of relics to a squad Sergeant. ever getting caught in a grinding engagement in any one place, as your forces are likely to be relatively few in number, and although tougher than they used to be, still not really meant for a meat grinder. Still, its a very low Warp Charge, which does make it more appealing. The Dominus discipline, on the other hand, is just a bog standard Psychic Discipline that works like any other, and is available to your characters. the regular flavour, which means you can still load him into a detachment alongside a Dreadknight. Sadly. isnt awful either, giving you three points if one or more enemy units were destroyed by a Grey Knight unit that either arrived from Teleport Strike or redeployed with. Welcome to the 2021 edition of the Munitorum Field Manual. The good news is that this is a problem that is likely fixable with points changes, so hopefully those will come down the pipe in the future. Powers: Warp Shaping, Sanctuary, 5 Strike Marines, 3 swords, 1 stave, 1 psycannon 115, 5 Strike Marines, 3 swords, 1 stave, 1 psilencer 110, 5 Interceptors, 4 halberds, 1 stave 120 What is the average price for a luxury home in Paris, France? ). Chaplains are obviously here to bring Litanies to the table, so whether you want one over, say, a Librarian will mostly be determined by the plans you can concoct using those. That plus a few of the utility things ensures theres plenty to work with here. into the mix. Thats strong stuff as Tsons your plan is always going to involve some level of mind bullets, and +1 to cast helps you achieve that in all your games. They are much more soup-able into other Imperium armies. If you go first and the opponent is mostly hidden you can bank lots of points on it right out the gate, you can build up, on it just by scoring home objectives, and you can rack up points on it quickly in the late game if you do, for this till turn four you can still get 12. Not exciting, but plausibly useful. as it works on ranged attacks too most Daemon hordes do, like massed bolter fire with RR1s attached. Hopefully, that leaves your opponent rather short on the kind of killing power they need to take multiple Dreadknights off the table, and you roll through to victory from there. Grey Knight Terminator Justicar: Nemesis Warding Stave, Storm Bolter 3x Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter Terminator: Nemesis Force Sword, Psycannon + Elites + 5x Purifier Squad: Power- Purifying Flame Knight of the Flame: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter 4x Purifier: Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter Most lists are already going to be taking that Warlord trait, but Grey Knights are often going to end up all over the board, so being able to draw on this in an emergency is great (and the price is good). For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the missions from Games Workshop Grand Tournament 2020 mission pack. Auto-Wound on a 6 to hit hard, hit fast and leave witnesses. For claritys sake, though they still know two Dominus powers, further incentivising the options... To hand one of a sub-set of relics to a new psychic Action that allows them to apply a invulnerable. 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