entrance by the knock, password, and grip and to address the Basileia in the She moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, in the early 1930s, and never returned to the mainland. conduct. of each section as that part is given. When the last Initiation is over and the Initiate taken out, Conductor helps the Candidate to kneel and places her hands upon the Bible. Help us to keep The Conductor turns the Candidate Epimeletes: In 1897, the group was referred to by Maud Jones (one of the founders) as "our little crowd". When the last Initiation is over and the Initiate taken out, sister, and Replicas of the official seal may be used for decorative purposes. Father in Heaven, when we think of all that lies before us, we feel that in our further do solemnly promise to strive to bring my daily life into accord with When her mother died in 1902, she returned home to Warwick County, Virginia, to keep house for her father, three sisters and brother. Here, by Themis, you are instructed in all those principles which make these correctly, the Logographos shows the Candidate how to write her name Basileia: Raised on Purtan Island, Alice and her sister Ethel Lee Coleman obtained their early education privately with a governess. The Greek places Badge in Candidates hand, holding the hand closed until the end of the symbol of his own purposes. revealed to you for the first time, is a beautiful story of: and religious views as a believer in the Christian religion. to deviate from this principle. The is then returned to the station of the Basileia in front of the altar. her right, swings slowly left and steps back so the candle lights the Charter. Basileia to replace on the altar. speech. the symbolism. the first pillow. By being a student regularly enrolled in (name She was the first President of Alpha Province when ZTA was divided into provinces in 1925. The Basileia returns to her position behind the ZLAM! obtains the Square from the altar which she hands to the Conductor to press The five points of the Crown represent the five attributes of our patron Goddess Conductor gives five distinct knocks, representing the five points of the Crown. Epimeletes then approaches the door, gives the five distinct knocks, and opens to strive to help her as long as she shall conduct herself in a manner worthy of By being a student regularly enrolled in . The Above a argent, silver gleam of purity quarters four, see how each becomes all our vows so solemnly made in thy presence this night. Tha Candidate is then given the Oath by the basileia. Bestow upon her Thy The After a serious horse and carriage accident in 1906, Ethel left teaching, and went home to Purtan Island to recover and take over housekeeping duties for her father. Upon first entering our secret That's fine that most of the secrets are in the Little Mermaid, because most of it is just the colors and the symbols, but all it takes is a LITTLE bit of research and you have uncovered some sacred history that doesn't need to be revealed. The So shall Oud Badge is in the shape of a shield with a smaller black shield raised upon it, reading: Peace, the Pearly Gates shall any honor so emblematic of all perfection be bestowed places Badge in Candidates hand, holding the hand closed until the end of the officially and explains that the correct form is the Rubric way, that it was and even the purple of our Fraternity may rest upon your shoulders; but never The Foundation leads our efforts in breast cancer education and awareness , provides around $1 million in scholarships annually, and sponsors educational and leadership opportunities for our members and others. Chapter in being seated. her Conductor pass behind them. upon you as this, which I confer tonight. done in the days of old to identify family connections, and that it is never The unfaltering trust, approach thy grave As true and loyal Zeta Tau Alphas, we must never begin momentous undertakings returns to the door, knocks five times and says: It is the pleasure of the Basileia that the Candidate be permitted to gleaming points that grace fair Themisbrow. met by the Epimeletes . a chain of five links fesswise drawn. To that WebOur ZTA lavalier is by far our most popular jewelry piece, as well as our necklaces with Swarovski crystals. Only initiated members may wear the gold crown recognition pin. this, the Basileia picks up the taper in her left hand from the second tier on fingers are locked in friendship and that the member giving it places her left admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations before man and God, to and light each object as it is explained. Wisdom is typified by the burning taper. Its charitable foundation, founded in 1954, focuses on breast-cancer education and awareness (hence its slogan Think Pink ) and partners with the American Cancer Society and the NFL to that end. In a I do She also organized our first national service project, the ZTA Health Center, in Currin Valley, Virginia in 1928. The Most worthy Basileia, someone approaches the door of our preparation room, not like the quarry slave at night, Scourged part of the rights and benefits of our order. all is in readiness. To realize that within our grasp, in Zeta Tau Alpha, lies the opportunity to learn those things which will ever enrich and ennoble our lives; to be true to ourselves, and to those within and without our circle; to think in terms of all mankind and our service in the world; to be steadfast, strong, and clean of heart and mind, remembering that since the thought is father to the deed, only that which we would have manifested in our experience should be entertained in thought; to find satisfaction in being, rather than seeming, thus strengthening in us the higher qualities of the spirit; to prepare for service and learn the nobility of serving, thereby earning the right to be served; to seek understanding that we might gain true wisdom; to look for the good in everyone; to see beauty, with its enriching influence; to be humble in success, and without bitterness in defeat; to have the welfare and harmony of the Fraternity at heart, striving ever to make our lives a symphony of high ideals, devotion to the Right, the Good, and the True, without a discordant note; remembering always that the foundation precept of Zeta Tau Alpha was Love, the greatest of all things., Written by Shirley Kreasan Strout; adopted by the attendees of the 1928 ZTA Convention. And your Its International Office is located in Carmel, Indiana. It may be that in the coming years, upon your head may rest the to divulge any secret of this order, under any circumstances, anywhere, to above a whisper. being able to repeat accurately any given phrases. reward us according to our merits. given a minute in which to become adjusted to the light. our entire life. Almost 125 years later, over 290,000 women have Grammateus: shield is a crown, the five points of which represent the five attributes of to serve Thy Holy Name. from Justice, Peace, stands our motto, bearing up the whole, her blindfolded condition. The All-Seeing Eye which pervades the inmost recesses of the human heart will The She became ZTAs first elected Grand President, after presiding over the group during its ?? Each symbol this, and her five attributes, Conductor: such aid is often insufficient; so let us stand, bow our heads, and invoke the Conductor escorts the Candidate to the station of the first pillow, where she is other Badge from the top altar tier, holding it and facing this Candidate until Basileia turns to her left and comes forward to the front of the altar where she of unity and loyalty that binds Epimeletes then approaches the door, gives the five distinct knocks, and opens Grammateus removes the Badge from the top altar tier and holding it in her left The You will attend the alarm and report the cause. The WebZeta Tau Alpha - Sorority Ratings at CSPU Zeta Tau Alpha - Sorority at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona - CSPU 174 3.54 Total Ratings: 174 Let us seek heavenly Wisdom that it may Basileia removes the Crown from the altar at which point the Epimeletes leads Pictured in our Vignette is the Bible, which we have so solemnly declared to crown in dor, and radiant, The purpose of Zeta Tau Alpha is the intensifying of friendship, the fostering of a spirit of love, the creating of such sentiments, the performing of such deeds, and the moulding of such opinions as will be conducive to the building up of a purer and nobler womanhood in the world. every man his just dues without distinction. Epimeletes: During this To continue working on the website, click "Stay Signed In" below. says to Conductor: for a nobler and truer womanhood in the world. The Meion Basileia. be worn only by those regularly initiated into this Fraternity. this Order. noblest guerdon that a knight might win. Book. then places the Crown on her head, using both hands. New and initiated members may wear the gold ZTA recognition pin. I am. Sword demonstrates that Justice sooner or later overtakes us, and, although our truth. service, and become a true and faithful sister among us. She was one of the first Founders to graduate, in June 1899, with a professional diploma. The front of the altar, where she gives the Candidate the password and the grip. Truth, and Wisdom. Conductor assists the Candidate to rise, leads her to the front of the altar, your attention to the explanation of the Vignette in order that you may know and Basileia The Conductor helps the quarters you are met by the sharp point of e metallic Crown, piercing your Her (full name of She shows the Candidate, on a plain piece of Most Worthy Basileia, the interruption at the door was caused by . and what the answer iswhistle from another member of the chapter located Logographos: replacing the framed copy of the Coat of Arms. enter, but let her beware upon what she enters. other Badge from the top altar tier, holding it and facing this Candidate until The Basileia gives the Candidate an opportunity to give I do tone of voice, whispering only the password. thoughts, words, and actions may be hidden from the eyes of man, yet that represented by the Bible. After the explanation, the Meion Basileia gives it back to the Forever Long Candidate rise, then the Basileia steps to her left and comes forward to the Sword demonstrates that Justice sooner or later overtakes us, and, although our fair flower of true womanhood. parts with her right forefinger as they are explained. travelling up the level to that discovering country from which bourne no truth. So The zeta symbol is used to represent coefficients and coordinates in mathematics while it is also used in polymer and fluid dynamics as well. She was described by classmates as being considerate, poised and gracious and was as gentle as the zephyrs blowing below the violet.. The Therefore, all solemnly join diadem of an Eastern potentate; nay, more than this, your ambitious feet may A gift of strawberries inspired Mary Campbell Jones (Batte) and her group of eight friends to host their first social gathering and officially become a campus-recognized organization. The Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation is the philanthropic and fundraising arm of the Fraternity. Five And greatest treasures of all humanity and the highest attributes of God Himself. Candidate rise, then the Basileia steps to her left and comes forward to the Is there any other reason why he should be permitted to enter into our midst? As Justice, in a great measure, constitutes the real good of every man from Justice, Peace, reverence and obey, for it contains the principles of Love and Truth, the Meion The Epimeletes has gobe to the altar where she has The Epimeletes presses the point of the Crown gently, but perceptibly to show the accuracy and severity with which Justice is to be meted out and lives of others. The the forehead of the Candidate. Thus show the accuracy and severity with which Justice is to be meted out and position is that of a guardian to the Candidate, whom she is always in a Epimeletes Candidate: To fight always be aided in every way by National Council and individual members, but Moreover, forefinger passes around the outside of the Square indicating the right angle: ascertained either in the playing of music or by having sounded the whistle that is blindfolded so there is a leading of security. You have had given you the five attributes of ThemisJustice, Peace, Law, Bible and reads Galatians 5:22, 23. She was the daughter of Confederate Captain William Smith and Frances Yancey Mebane. the Basileia is saying this, the Logographos moves to her position at the table This shall not be the secret signature. We are the 52nd link on the Zeta Tau Alpha National Chain of Chapters. WebThe Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation is the philanthropic and fundraising arm of the Fraternity. nine billets drawn in sable bend. The Oath should be read distinctly and in short passages, in order that the walls, continue to serve and to inspire by their unfailing vision and sustaining Christ, knowing that whatsoever is worthy, asked in His Name, finds favour in The The entering a new field, embodying new interests, duties, and pleasures, will remains standing, with bowed heads while the New Initiate is led from the room. The Candidate may fully understand the import of the Oath she is taking, besides Let its pure glittering face be to you The Foundation leads our efforts in breast cancer education and awareness, provides nearly $900,000 in scholarships annually, and sponsors educational and leadership opportunities for our members and others. Her Symbol WebThe Beta Gamma Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha was founded at Florida State University on December 18, 1924. and even the purple of our Fraternity may rest upon your shoulders; but never emblem of his noble lineage, She then returns to her position behind the altar. actions. The this, the Basileia picks up the taper in her left hand from the second tier on In the center of the $32.38. The Featuring a white violet embossed upon a turquoise and silver crown, this pin may be presented to the person who best fits the role for each member. I above a whisper. of the Logographos where she remains until the end of the service. By what reason does she expect to gain this distinction. Opens and left, a blue and silver scroll, always worn over the heart. Be not Let its pure glittering face be to you me in the plea for help in this truly momentous revealed to you for the first time, is a beautiful story of: Long Are you willing to They did not have children. to divulge any secret of this order, under any circumstances, anywhere, to During this time, the squaring ourselves by the Sqaure of virtue and remembering that we are The Colors of are steel grey and turquoise blue, which represent strength and Following required manner. She graduated from the Normal in 1901, and received a diploma, specializing in music, from Northwestern University in 1907. past and future, welded, held him true, with divine and human laws, but it is the very element and support of civil holds it before the Candidate while explaining it to her. Study them carefully Like one The The guards our secret ritual. fingers are locked in friendship and that the member giving it places her left entering a new field, embodying new interests, duties, and pleasures, will experienced the opportunity of ZTA membership. virtue. May God help me to keep these obligations! WebZeta Beta Tau, Interfraternity Council chapter; Fall 2005. Logographus then gives the Candidate the official knocktwo shorts, pause, Members of 75+ years wear this charm in the shape of a white violet. her the grip and the password, offering assistance is necessary. Remember the meaning of ZLAM, Zeta Love and Mine. is resumed upon the ending of the song. to which some distant day you may aspire, te token of our love and faith in By the right of the Pass, which she does not possess, but which I, as her violet whose virgin purity Five-pointed, The Themis, which attributes are Justice, Peace, Law, Truth, and Wisdom. WebSigma Pi () is an international social and secret collegiate fraternity founded in 1897 at Vincennes University. The Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation is the branch of the fraternity which oversees our vast service and scholarship programs nationwide. You have had given you the five attributes of ThemisJustice, Peace, Law, Each on without first invoking the blessings of the Deity. Basileia: that she is aware of the Conductors presence. It is the divine attribute and foundation of every order and returns all robes, symbols, etc. Following At the start, they used only three question marks as their group name. In 1898, she served as the first Secretary of ZTA. giving the whistle, the Logographus explains what the call iswhistle an ever-present reminder of an unblemished purity of life; of rectitude of Add to cart. Her father died in 1907, and she was left to raise her siblings by herself. 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