(on camera): That's a glacier over there and these two glaciers used to be connected by an ice shell? 1978 Topps Battlestar Galactica Deep Inside The Planet Carillon #38. A stark finding that for Dr. Steffen raises a very basic question. It's one of the fundamental laws of physics, of nature. That's the term they're using. In the distance, the agents spot something suspicious. It is not right. on Tuesday, Oct. 23, and Wednesday, Oct. 24, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. (ET/PT) and globally on. But that also means that the power demand on the grid will go up. The Lake Chad Basin Commission has a plan to divert water from the Congo River, but it remains controversial and unfunded. Trump Sent Chilling Warning from 'Merchant of Death' Freed by Biden: 'Your Life Is in Peril' By Lorri Wickenhauser April 13, 2023 at 5:56pm Former President Donald Trump received a bleak warning last week from an unexpected quarter: Viktor Bout, the Russian arms dealer nicknamed the "Merchant of Death." (on camera): Tonight, we begin a place that's warming faster than just about any other place on Earth -- Greenland's ice sheet. 11 terms. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're destroying nature's natural regulators. Eight degrees. With dive gear, we head down 60 feet. Watch your head here. COOPER: I've (INAUDIBLE). The cold hasn't snapped their sense of humor. Details Release Date March 2021 Genre Collectible Miniatures/Figures (non-game) Ages 14+ Buy Local Buy Wizkids Coming Soon! In the documentary, William, who is dad to 7-year-old son Prince George . (voice-over): The vast ice sheet of Greenland -- 1,500 miles long and more than a mile deep, the world's largest island. Either I was in a different place or the place where I was had completely changed. CORWIN: Under nutritional stress because it's simply getting harder for bears to eat. It doesn't take long for them to pick up one of the illegal roads made by poachers. No kidding, you look great. They're saying that very few people come to this village, very few outsiders. CORWIN: Not all of it illegally logged, but a significant amount. This is your refrigerator? BOYA BAI 7. Really? COOPER: Tough talk, but here's something that might surprise you. Crews have largely contained many of the fires north of San Diego. This is a peninsula that became an island because the ice fields that connected it to the mainland of Greenland melted and structurally destabilized and broke away. shows global trends, connected through ecosphere. STEVE AMSTRUP, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: There's a nice lead here that we might be able to pick up footprints on. A photo tribute to Flight 370's passengers. A polar bear's primary source of prey are seals. His mother, Rosario, was just happy she'd found somewhere free from the violence and drugs that plagued other low-income neighborhoods. Name: Date: Movie: Planet in Peril - Part I and II: Use each segment as case studies. Finally, we put down. Are you aware of that? length, weight, pictures. In 2005, the Associated Press found African-Americans are 79 percent more likely than whites to live in neighborhoods where industrial pollution is suspected of posing the greatest health danger. COOPER: Where people are dying. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You think you're making the argument that, you know, it's better to have it up here the because real estate values are so low. And when she decided, she decided. David C. Downing is the R. W. Schlosser Professor of English at Elizabethtown College in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It outlines the solutions that have been tried, and analyzes why . Definitely. CORWIN: Very much so. $1.00 + $0.75 shipping. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you get it? What's going to happen to you? The agents are heavily armed, but heavily outnumbered. (on camera) Every day Ibama agents go out on patrol and stop anyone they come across and question them about what they're doing in this biological preserve. COOPER (on camera): The argument against your position is an economic argument. Lakes are evaporating. planet in peril transcript planet in peril transcript. AMSTRUP: Boy, they did a 180-degree turn here. And that's the smoke from L.A. that went out to the ocean and then was brought back in with the east winds turning to west winds. He's also a so- called climate change skeptic. Agents get word over the radio there might be an encampment of illegal loggers nearby. PLANET IN PERIL continues after this break. This is one of the largest rivers that actually supplies water to Lake Chad. San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders says the vast majority of the city is now open for people to return to their homes. Global warming might be causing a slight rise in sea levels, but its largest effect here is damage to the coral reefs that protects these islands. We also have a refrigerator. CORWIN: So now you feed the rope and it will just slide down like this. None of what's happening is occurring in a vacuum. They want to go in and give us local names, names in their language, and also give us tribal markings. He's taking us to see and actually climb into a part of the landscape that's giving scientists important clues about why the ice is melting so fast. SCHMIDT: They were continuous, yes. COOPER: If the sea levels, by the models that we have now, are going to rise three feet in the next hundred years, can that be reversed still? For one thing, weak laws. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you doing, Konnie? Or "I'm going to be chief of police" since he was little. There have been ice ages and long periods of warmer temperatures. Back on the muddy and rutted roads with Ibama, agents continue to comb the forest for anything that looks out of place. It's 114 degrees in the desert, and things take a turn for the worse. But this has something to do with it. In Kraho, they always celebrate the arrival of visitors with a ceremony. And that just doesn't happen in remote corners of the globe. President Bush today declared a major disaster area here in California. Few periods in our nation's history have been more challenging or difficult than the one we're in now. Ecological Issues for Local Citizen Action. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. Anchorage Alaska USA 995071 907-360-4503 richard.g.steiner@gmail.com Crucible Vocab. He's even got a slingshot. COOPER: She started a sustainable development program, teaching locals how to live off the forest and at the same time preserve it. Her children were safe; at least, that's what she thought. JEFF CORWIN, "ANIMAL PLANET": It's like nothing my eyes have ever experienced. They call it the shigloo. An underground escape from Emperor Ming is blocked by giant reptiles. We're going to have another update on the fires in 15 minutes. She never could have guessed where she'd find them. Both sides accuse each other of cherry- picking data. And it takes land to grow soy, land without trees. First an update on the California fires. This is basically the pathway for which the timber comes out. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MICHAEL R. NIGGLI, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC: There are a lot of people returning to their homes right now. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. We'll be following it for you, Anderson. Only a few hours until President Bush flies to California. President Bush is going to visit the region tomorrow. (on camera): These roads, as bumpy and -- and terrible as they are, what's even worse about them is that the roads are the conduit for the habitat loss. Like so many areas we have seen around the world, poverty plays a big role in habitat destruction. And here, as you can see, we don't have healthy fish. Let's check it out. No birds, no buzzing insects. CORWIN (voice-over): Amstrup loads the tranquilizer dart into the gun as we circle low over the mother bear to make sure we don't scare her away from her cubs. Schools were closed for a decade. It's springtime here, though nothing is green. But many don't want to go, and it's easy to see why. It's about the front lines, the. The Associated Press reports California has maxed out its firefighting resources and is asking the federal government for help. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A lot of people live around here and are dependent on this water. STEFFEN: But during the cold years, we had some water that froze in the middle tent, which was our sleep tent, which was not very comfortable. (voice-over) Steve Amstrup, a wildlife biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, has been doing this for 26 years, trying to learn all he can about what polar bears can tell us about global warming. Skeptics, believers, liberals, conservatives; it all seems so theoretical. Public Libraries; K-12 Schools; Business & Law; He says they're angry and scared by what's happening. The consensus among scientists is something is different. BILL WHITE, HOUSTON MAYOR: Nobody has the right to chemically alter the air that somebody else breathes without that person's consent. Water held in the soil and in lakes is also disappearing. INHOFE: Well, if you do, then my time has expired. Then we can go over to the work tent. A little bit ago in San Diego County, about 200 more people were ordered out of their homes. But the winds are dying down, and that gives firefighters a chance to possibly gain the upper hand. STEFFEN: That's one of the largest temperature increases we have on Earth. Maybe 10, 15 miles, sometimes a little farther than that. Anderson, Dr. Gupta, and Jeff Corwin, as well as the 360 staff and CNN in general, should be commended for their work on the Planet in Peril series! After two days here, there was only one place left to explore, underwater. CORWIN: These guys have all the classic tools of the trade when it comes to poaching wildlife. COOPER: Crime? It's not ready. COOPER: But Carter (ph) points out the people whose health is in danger, whose quality of life is degraded, more often than not remain silent. (on camera) We have incredible terrain of ice that seems to almost go on forever. It's also the world's top beat exporter. COOPER: Already polar bears' behavior is changing. At the top of the hour, we'll have a special edition of 360. The people of the Carteret Islands literally being washed away. COOPER: The Brazilian government responded by setting aside more than 30,000 square miles for protection. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime: two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. And, by Friday, the winds actually blow back onshore, which means all of that smoke that's out there in the ocean will be pushed back into L.A., back into San Diego, and all the way through east and into the valleys, back through Twentynine Palms, maybe through Yuma. Millions live near coastlines less than three feet above sea level. And the water can reach the bottom of the ice. They are flying helicopter and planes tonight into the night, trying to get a handle on this fire. In San Diego County alone, the damage already tops an estimated $1 billion. Is it rising sea levels or something else entirely? That's just how we smell. COOPER (voice-over): If you thought the debate over what's causing the Earth to warm was settled, think again. I mean, if you're in New York or Iowa, what impact does the rain forest really have on your life? In fact, we've got some pictures we can show you. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): The Earth is warming. Can that be lessened? But his story doesn't add up. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) LETICIA DECKERT, EVACUEE: It's stressful, very stressful. Again, please conserve. Some people say it's climate change. And Amstrup, hanging from the side of his window, aims and takes his shot. Scientists say that is happening because of what we're putting into the air -- tons and tons of carbon dioxide. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right now race and class really determine where you find the good things, like parks and trees, or where you'll find the bad stuff, like waste facilities and power plants. And the IBAMA agents know that. GUPTA: It looks like this upsets you? It's clear the weather patterns here have changed. COOPER (voice-over): Despite its value, the destruction of this habitat continues. CORWIN: So, basically, it's providing this layer of viscosity to the ice to slide on. OK. CORWIN: With the bears safely sedated, Amstrup gets to work. Do you have some coffee? But many of them will come back, unfortunately, to this -- Anderson. (voice-over) Their truck is broken down, and they say they need help. Episode 1 Planet In Peril, Pt. The film takes a close look at the world's changing eco-system, focusing heavily on four environmental issues . "An anthology bringing together the testimony of over eighty theologians, religious leaders, scientists, elected officials, business leaders, naturalists, activists, and writers to present a diverse and compelling call to honor humans' moral responsibility to the planet in the face of envi . planet in peril transcript INTRO OFFER!!! GUPTA: So, this used to be up to 60 kilograms? "Planet In Peril" continues in a moment. East Hill, N.Y. July 8, 2017 -- In East Hills, our 'hometown', there is a law entitled "Tree Preservation and Protection", an Architectural Review Board, zoning rules, and even a 'consulting arborist' to re-evaluate trees proposed to be destroyed by new residents and developers, but deforestation is as bad as the Amazon. Amstrup has been studying the polar bear for the past three decades. 50 terms. CORWIN: It's easy. Ninety percent of the people who live in the Marroquins' neighborhood are Hispanic. David C. Downing, a professor at Elizabethtown College, takes it upon himself to correct a gaping hole in Lewis studies. Kraho are trying to take matters into their own hands. Are they bringing it in now?" They're probably selling the meat, as well. And we'll go into that in a second. Our pilots make several passes scouting for a safe place. the committee's support for landmarking the fixed seats is a major setback for Another Planet . He agreed to sit down with us. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. SISTER DOROTHY STANG, NUN/CONSERVATIONIST: The only thing they know is survival farming. And, right here, between that land over there and this land over here, this is the river mouth. (END VIDEO CLIP) COOPER: And that is the latest here in Southern California -- another update in about 15 minutes. Crews managed to clean ash and fire retardant off a line strung across 70 towers and restore power just before the only other major power link to San Diego went offline. The second biggest contributors to Inhofe's Senate office are energy and natural resource companies. That is good planning on the part of local officials. Arson investigators say one of them, the Santiago fire near Los Angeles, had three points of origin. AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If I could complete my answer. And we are living on coconuts. Today the president declared fire-ravaged Southern California a major disaster zone. Unable to protect her little boy, Rosario Marroquin felt helpless, as she started looking for answers. (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. "Planet In Peril" continues after this break. Fifteen fires are burning tonight. This journey around the globe is an investigation into the reasons our planet is changing. He has seen the dramatic changes firsthand. The ice sheets are melting. Written by an award-winning historian of science and technology, Planet in Peril describes the top four mega-dangers facing humankind - climate change, nukes, pandemics, and artificial intelligence. Sponsored. role of forests in an ecosystem. Now, remember, these are marine mammals, so they are not supposed to drown. San Diego County came within moments of suffering a massive power blackout this afternoon, crews managing to clean ash and fire retardant off of lines strung across 70 towers and restore power just before the only other major power link to San Diego went offline -- a close call. You have to see it to believe it. Sand all around me. GUPTA: They say that the water is actually going to cover this entire island. Spin-off: Planet in Peril: Battle Lines. lt's just a bad dream. 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